豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2009-10-24 19:34:22 | 東京





Jizo stone statue at Sugamo
Sat. September 24 : fine

My sister and brother-in-law were burnt to ashes. In the US and also in Australia where inhumation is the mainstream, cremation has been increasing recently. My brother-in-law’s ashes were scattered on the poplar tree avenue of Hokkaido University with admission of the authority. Which place would be my sister’s memorial place if she wanted her ashes to be scattered? She was born in Ninohe-city of Iwate prefecture and often moved to different cities of Niigata, Gonohe in Aomori prefecture, Mutsu and more. She moved to Sugamo when she was 18 and lived there for 15 years, another 20 years in Lexington of Kentucky, and 23 years in Roanoke of Virginia. She studied at Toho Medical School in Kamata for 13 years. So she spent the longest period in her life in Sugamo, Japan. Sorry, Sister. I can’t attend today’s your funeral in the US. Instead, I visited Jizo stone statue in Sugamo, so forgive me, please.

Jizo stone statue in Sugamo

broiled eel in Sugamo
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