Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

帯状疱疹発症ナウ (Shingles Out)

2023-07-16 13:10:41 | MN生活(14年目)(MN2023-24)
Hello there.

How are you doing today?

Today, let me give you a quick update of my ordinary life.

Andy, May-chan and I stayed at Dad&Mom's house up north and had a great time there last week. A couple days before we started our family vacation, I noticed a couple of tiny rash by my belly button.

Still, the rash wasn't either super itchy or painful, so I was casually thinking, "Oh, maybe I got sweat rash or something." and didn't think it was a big deal.

Then, I got a couple of more rash spots in a few days and "They're slightly itchy" the spots still weren't bothering so much. Besides that, we're staying at Dad&Mom's which's located 3 hour drive away from our house, so I still kept waiting and seeing.

At the same time, I started googling about rashes in general and got some specific information matching my symptoms such as "They appear on only one side of your body." or "They might get itchy in the beginning." and I got this idea. "It might be Shingles, isn't it?"

I also showed my rashes to Andy and said, "I've got these rashes from some days ago. They're not super itchy or painful though." Then, I brought up the idea, "By any chance, I think it might be Shingles." Then, he almost interrupted my words and said,

"NO!! Shingles usually happen when you're over 50."

which was a little bit irritating to me.

I understand why Andy said was true, but from my experience to hear that one of my co-workers in the past got Shingles when she's still in 20s, I believed that you could get it even before you're younger.

About 6 days after I first noticed the rashes, Andy kindly made a call to nurse line because my rashes hadn't been either better or worse.

Then, the nurse on the line said, "I can't do diagnosis, but from the symptoms I think it's Shingles. So, you want to make an appointment with a doctor to check them."

She said Shingles!! That's what I thought!!!

On the next day, I saw a doctor and she diagnosed it's Shingles too! Luckily, it's a mild case and didn't cause a big pain.

If it's within 3 days after you find a rash or still keep getting new spots even after 3 days, it's useful to get an antivirus shot to stop the further symptoms. Although, my case had been over 1 week from the start and also I didn't get any new spot at the point, the doctor told me to just wait and see by taking Tylenol for the pain or Hydrocortisone cream for the itchiness.

If you get Shingles on your face, you need to be more cautious because there's a risk to lose your vision or hearing, worst case scenario. Thankfully, my spots were by my bellybutton and on the upper left side.

My only concern was "If the rashes would be more painful in the future." and the answer to the question was "The pain's usually caused when the rashes come out and yours already looks over the point, so the pain wouldn't get worse after this." which made me relieved.

Shingles are contagious to people who haven't got Chickenpox or a vaccine shot for it, mostly little kids, but when the rashes pass over the blister phase and you don't make direct a skin contact, there's a low possibility to spread the virus to others. So, I was told that I wouldn't have to worry about it either.

"It might be Shingles." when I first mentioned it to Andy, "NO! It can't be!" he completely denied my guess and slightly irritated me, but he kindly took care of everything to make sure that I was fine by making a nurse line and coming along with me to the Dr's appointment on the next day. So, after all, "Thank you, honey-chan!!" LOL

The doctor told me that it'd take 2-3 weeks for the Shingles to get completely healed. Also, I already got the antibody in my immune system this time, so it wouldn't be necessary for me to take a vaccine shot in the next couple of years.

Today, probably 8 days or so after the first rashes appeared, the spots are little sore but doesn't bug my life at all.

Still, I have a slight discomfort on the spots and do hope they'll be back to normal as soon as possible.

Anyways, I got Shingles for the first time ever in my life, but I'm glad that they didn't get so bad. Also, I really appreciate Andy for taking care of everything for me.

Okay, this is all about the quick update. Thank you for reading again!!!

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