Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

1 今年の父の日 (Father's Day 2021)

2021-06-27 10:47:24 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello folks!

How are you doing today?

So, June 20th was Father's day, rigth?

The father of our family, Andy, had his 3rd Father's day this year.

So, I'd like to share how we celebrate Father's day this year here today.

In the morning, it was Father's day, but Andy took me to a place where I'd wanted to go for a long time.

Yup, it's United Noodles, the biggest Asian grocery store, in MN.

It's the first visit for May-chan in a long time as well due to the quarantine. During our self-quarantine, Andy went to the store by himself with a big shopping list that I made.
(Even though the mask-wearing rule wasn't mandatory anymore in MN, the store still asked their customers to wear masks, and everybody followed the sign there.)

Yeah, it was so fun just walking around inside the store and checking if they had something new or interesting.

Unfortunately, May-chan started whining in the store, which made me give up taking time to explore new products or something and rush to throw necessary things into the cart.

At least, May-chan could recognize Japanese Kabocha squashes there, so I decided to get one to make something for her. For 99.9%, she's not going to eat it though. Haha.

久しぶりのユナイテッドヌードルをまぁまぁ楽しんだ後、今度はすぐ隣にあるお魚屋さん、Coastal Seafoodに寄りました。
I still had much fun to browse one of my favorite stores for the first time in over an year. After that, we made a quick stop by this seafood shop, Coastal Seafood, right next to United Noodles.


United Noodlesの後に (After Shopping at United Noodles) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


United Noodlesの後に (After Shopping at United Noodles) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I wrote about this shop on my blog before, but they recently moved to a bigger building just across the street, and it was my first visit to the new location this time.

I didn't take pictures inside, but the store size was more than twice as big as the old place where used to be always fully packed. The new store was spacy enough to be able to walk around without worrying to push other customers. Haha. They even added a deli counter to serve fresh sandwiches or something, and there's a line waiting to make orders, which told me that their food must have been delicious.

They were very popular and loved by a lot of people at the old place, so I'm very happy for them that they could develop the business.

After the morning shopping, we just spent an ordinary weekend afternoon and then cooked what Andy wanted to eat for Father's day dinner.


The main dish was steak and Andy cooked it as always. I made our usual garlic mashed potato and cooked the radishes and spring green onions which Andy got at a local farmer's market the day before.

After we enjoyed the special dinner, we had...,

A cake time!! This was for May-chan rather than for Andy, but we put candles on the cake and sang "Happy Father's Day to you!" with the melody of the Happy birthday song together. (We did it on Mother's day too. Haha)

May-chan really enjoyed it just as I expected.

I didn't bake a cake specifically for Father's day, but had baked a cheese cake a couple of day before just to satisfy my appetite. So, why not?





I don't know why, but I was so craving for cheese cake a month ago or so, and luckily ran into the recipe which one of my blog friends shared and recommended. I tried to bake one with the recipe and it turned out the best cheese cake that I'd ever made! I ate the first cake in a week or so and baked another one right away after that. So, the one we ate on Father's day was the 2nd one that I baked. Haha.

May-chan also loved the cheese cake too!

So, this is how we spent the half (or 2/3) of Father's day.

It's going to be long, so I want to finish this here for today.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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