Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

おばあちゃん、ありがとう(Thank you, Grandma)

2021-06-21 09:30:08 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)

How are you doing today?

I've been writing about my family's Memorial Day week, but I want to take a break from the topic and talk about something different today.

Last night I got a message from my mom in Japan, which told that my grandma just passed away. She was 102 years old.

I didn't know this, but my grandma was in hospital since last October and my family was told to be prepared for the time by her doctor.

I'm in MN and can't attend her funeral in Japan, but I entrusted my message to my family in Japan who's going to attend the funeral.

I want to share a couple of memories about my grandma here.

My mom's mom, my grandma was a woman who perfectly fit the stereotype image of Japanese ideal women in old times. A woman who modestly supports her husband and does all the domestic chores such as cleaning, laundry and cooking. That was my grandma.

I had never seen her since I moved to MN, but I visited her right before I left Japan 11 years ago. I asked her to take a picture with me, "Can we take a picture so that I can take it with me to MN?", but she said, "It's nonsense to take a picture of this old grandma." and wouldn't let me take a single shot at the time. Instead, she gave me a couple of pictures of when she was young.

As the episode above, you can tell how much my grandma cared about how she looked. She even changed her usual pajamas to decent ones when her doctor visited for a check-up. Yeah, that's my grandma.

She didn't let me take a picture with her, but when I saw her last time before I moved to MN, I told her, "I'm going to marry an American man whose name is Andy and live in America."

Just as I said first, my grandma was such a typical traditional Japanese woman who perfectly practiced the motto, "Support and protect the family" So, I was a little bit nervous to know how she would respond when I talked to her that I was going to leave Japan and live in a different country.

When I showed a picture of Andy, "This is Andy." to her, "Oh, he's handsome!" she smiled and started sharing a story with me.

"In fact, when Grandma was much younger, there was a couple of an American man and Japanese woman in my neighborhood. They had a very cute daughter. I remember her name was Marie-chan. I actually once wanted to make a couple like them a little bit."

My grandma was 102 years old, which means that she was talking about the time not long after the end of WW2. I can easily imagine that there was a bias about interracial marriage back then, so I was very surprised that she was getting such a good impression about the international couple back then and at the same time I caught a glimpse of the cute young Grandma's face.

To be honest with you, I don't know what my grandma was really thinking about my decision to marry to an American man and live in the US, but I really appreciate her for pushing my back to follow my dream by telling me her story.

Now my grandma on my mother's side passed away, which means that all of my grandmas and grandpas are gone to heaven.

When I heard the sad news about my grandma last night, I remembered how important it is to spend as much time together as you want to and say "Thank you" as often as you like to before your loved ones leave here for heaven.

It must have a lot of work to live 102 years of your life, Grandma. Please rest in peace and thank you so much for everything.

I hope you're reuniting your handsome husband up above and enjoying chatting to catch up with so many years now.

Okay, I want to end this here. Thank you for reading again.

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