Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

たまには豪華なディナーでも。(Fancy Sushi Dinner at Home)

2020-05-21 12:30:35 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hello there!

How's your day going today?

So, it's been a while since our quarantine life began, and since then, we've really enjoyed every meal more than before.

Also on my blog, I've been talking mostly like, "I made this!" or "I ate this!" recently, which is pretty much everything that I do at home.

The other day, Andy and I wanted to eat something delicious to vent some stress piled up under the quarantined life out, so we came to agree, "We kind of wanna eat something delicious today, don't we??" and decided to order some sushi from this fancy restaurant, which is what we do only on special occasions like our birthdays or something.

Andy and I talked about what we wanted to eat beforehand as looking at the menu online and made the order on the phone, and Andy went to pick it up. (Thanks!)

Here was what we ordered! They leaned a little bit to the side on the way home in the car, but no problem! Andy and I always get Nigiri.

I also ordered their Futomaki roll for May-chan though I wasn't sure if she would eat it. If she wouldn't, I'd eat them anyways.

I wasn't sure if May-chan would eat the Futomaki roll, so I got her this shrimp dumplings too. It's kind of American style, and they put some Teriyakish flavor sauce on them.

Thank you, hon, for going to pick it up for us!!

Yeah, like I worried, May-chan didn't eat the Futomaki roll almost at all, and just as I assumed, the shrimp dumplings were the biggest hit for her.

I recently noticed this, but I think that May-chan's not a huge fan of Nori seaweed.

May-chan and I both love Natto (fermented soybeans) and eat it with white rice sometimes. She usually eats the combination of Natto and rice very well, but she didn't as much as usual when I added some Nori flakes to it once.

We also tried to give her a piece of eel since it's cooked, and she actually liked it a lot. So, we want to order a piece of eel Nigiri for her next time. (She might like the sweet and salty sauce flavor.)

I first thought about getting her a cucumber roll, but now I think that she wouldn't have eaten it wrapped with seaweed after all.

It was super delicious!!

Okay, this is all about the fancy dinner we had the other day. Sometimes, it's nice to have a special dinner without any special reason, right?? Thanks for reading again!!!

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最近ハマっているYouTube動画 (My recent favorite YouTube videos)

2020-05-19 11:33:50 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)

How's everything going in your life?

I assume that a lot of people now spend more time to enjoy watching TV, movies or YouTube in the quarantined life.

I originally like watching YouTube videos, but it's been hard to have fun with videos on YouTube while May-chan is around me, so I mostly enjoy watching YouTube during her nap time or after her bed time.

Recently, I found this YouTube channel called "Batayan channel" which was hosted by a Japanese comedienne, Rie Kuwabata.

(Sorry, my American friends and families. It's in Japanese.)

There are some different types of videos on her channel, and I like ones that she has an interview with other Japanese comediennes who has a child, but my most favorite ones lately are her cooking videos.

Her cooking videos are kind of different from other cooking videos on YouTube since she's not good at cooking. On her cooking videos, she's always worried if everything's going fine and keeps talking to herself like, "Am I doing right?" Though, she tries so hard to make something delicious for her hubby and 3 cute kids.

I knew her name even before I started watching her channel, but I became a huge fan of her through watching her videos because she's such a honest, straight and wonderful lady!

She always talks about random topics to the camera as cooking, but her stories are so funny. Maybe, it's because she's a professional comedienne or grew up in Osaka where is famous for the comedy culture in Japan.

She's not speaking dramatized stories like what she planned to talk about beforehand but just kept making casual small talks so naturally. Though, you can enjoy listening to her honest feelings about random things. Plus that, she sometimes runs into unexpected happenings and gets in a panic while she cooks and even ends up failing the dish itself in the end too.

I don't know why I like her videos so much, but I guess it's because her videos recall me of my sweet childhood memories since I'm also from Kansai area and grew up in a big family of 7.


The video above is one of my most favorite from her cooking videos, and she tried to make a pasta dish, which she admits that she's especially not good at.

She ran into a lot of unexpected happenings in the video, which became one of the funniest episode to me.

Not only her video makes me laugh but also her sincere attitude to cooking often inspires me like, "I want to be like her."

Her videos get a lot of comments from the viewers. Besides positive comments like "I really enjoyed it!" or something, there are so many advices like "You shouldn't do that!" Though, she never gets offended by those comments and even says, "I don't mind getting any advices from you guys. I'd even more appreciate you all for teaching things to me. Thank you!"

When you try to do something that you're not good at, it must be so joyful if everything works out great, but if it doesn't, isn't it super stressful?

When you work so hard on cooking something but your family didn't like it so much, it's very disappointing, isn't it?

If I were in the situation, I would be a little bit crabby at least. Though, when Kuwabata-san takes a bad feedback from her family, she says, "Oh, I see. It wasn't good so much. I'll try harder to make something delicious next!" and really appreciates the honest feedback.

Her sincere attitude to what she's not good at and her modesty to listen to others' advices made me feel that I want to be like her too.

I was originally going to talk about her channel as a subtopic here, but this ended up becoming one article. Haha.

Thanks to her, I still get some laughs and inspiration in the quarantined life!
(I guess that this topic wasn't interesting so much for my American friends and family. Sorry! Haha)

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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焼き芋を作ってみた。(Grilled Sweet Potatoes)

2020-05-17 12:05:07 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi there!

How's your life treating you today?

One of the things I recently noticed through playing with May-chan is that May-chan can find things that I can't since her eye level is different from mine. So, even when we walk around the same area in the house over and over everyday, May-chan finds hidden things that I don't tell where they had been like, "Oh, where did you find it?? Did you find it here??"

最近見つけてきたのがこのサングラス。(笑) まだ5ヶ月の時でちっちゃ~い!
The one of recent discoveries was these sunglasses. Hehe. May-chan in this pic was still 5months old and so tiny!!

When I used to take May-chan out for walk in the stroller, I got her the pair of sunglasses since the sunshine was too bright on some days. Though, the sunglasses were too big on her at the point and I left them somewhere forever. Then, May-chan found the red case of them in the house the other day.

So, I tried to put them on her, and then they perfectly fit her! She looked so happy when I said, "Oh, May-chan, you're so cool with the sunglasses!!" though she took them off in a second. Haha.

Yeah, our family has been spending such calm and peaceful days as following the quarantine order everyday.

In such a quarantine life here, I personally worked on some yard work as letting May-chan play in the yard for the last couple of weeks.

In my family, Andy's usually in charge of outdoor maintenance of the house, and I don't touch much unless he asks me for a help. Though, through playing with May-chan in the yard almost everyday, I came to feel like being a little bit more productive rather than just following after May-chan exploring in the yard all the time. The time also felt so slow to pass by when I just watched May-chan playing around without doing anything else.

So, I started doing this.

Yeah, burn all the tree branches in the yard.

Until before, I felt like, "It's too dangerous to use fire when I have May-chan around." but I got to think, "Oh well, why don't I give it a shot once? I'll just have to keep my eye on May-chan not to get close to the fire."

In the picture above, you can tell how many tree branches that we got from the yard, and they're a lot!! Besides the pile in the picture, we had left a lot of logs in the yard for a long time as well, so I'd say we had 3 times of branches as many as the pile in the picture.

Anyways, when I tried to do a bonfire with May-chan around for the first time, she was very curious about it and tried to approach it several times. Though, she learned that she doesn't want to be close to it after I kept telling her to keep away from it.

So, I had made a bonfire pretty much every day to burn lots of the branches and I started to feel like, "Oh, I'm already making a bonfire. Then, why don't I wanna cook some sweet potatoes in it??"

Oh yeah, I remember that I made a couple of bonfire sweet potatoes once when I was 36 week pregnant with May-chan.


焼き芋を作ってみたよ。 (Grilled Sweet Potatoes) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


焼き芋を作ってみたよ。 (Grilled Sweet Potatoes) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


At the time, I got a lot of cardboard boxes from online shopping and did a bonfire a couple of times. And then, I got to feel like making some bonfire sweet potatoes when I watched the fire. So, yeah, I guess that I have the formula, " Bonfire=Sweet Potatoes" recorded in my DNA. LOL

Just when I was thinking about making bonfire sweet potatoes, Andy asked me, "I'm gonna go grocery shopping tomorrow, so if you wanna something, let me know." since he's been in charge of grocery shopping in the quarantine life. So, I said, "Oh, can you get a couple of Japanese sweet potatoes then?"

I actually knew that the Lunds&Byerly's near our house sold Japanese sweet potatoes since I have got them a couple of times before. Though, Andy wasn't sure what they looked like, so I showed him some pictures of them online beforehand.

Here were the ones he got for me. I was actually doing a bonfire on the day, so I prepped the potatoes by soaking them in salt water for a while.

When I felt like starting to cook, I wrapped them with aluminum foil.

Good to go now. Andy doesn't like sweet potatoes in general, so 2 small size ones were enough for May-chan and me.

I threw them in the bonfire not to touch the strong fire spot directly.

When I made bonfire potatoes before, they turned out to be super delicious but a little bit overcooked. So, I tried not to overcook them this time.

After I cooked them for a while, I tried to poke them with a tooth pick, and it went through. So, I cut them with a knife.

A big surprise!!! These potatoes were NOT what I expected!! The outside of them looked just same as Japanese sweet potatoes, and I even didn't think that they would be a different kind at all.

I was so shocked by the surprise inside, but tried to taste it. Then, they needed to be cooked a little bit more, so I wrapped them with aluminum foil and threw back in the bonfire again.

After the second cooking, they're really done!

It was the dinner time when I finished cooking the potatoes, so I tried to give them to May-chan as one of the side dishes.

To be honest with you, I was very disappointed by the fact that the potatoes were not Japanese sweet potatoes, and the flavor was not what I expected either, but you know, it happens.

Anyways, May-chan actually loved the bonfire sweet potatoes!! They're still sweet potatoes, and it's always yummy when you cook any potatoes in a bonfire!

Her first bonfire sweet potatoes were actually the biggest hit of the night, and she ate them the most in all the dishes on the table.

She seemed to really like the potatoes that night, so I put the leftover in the fridge over night and served her it in the next day. Though, she didn't eat it at all. (Dang!)

Of course, freshly made ones are always the best.

I really want to get Japanese sweet potatoes at an Asian grocery store next so that I can introduce the deliciousness to May-chan!!!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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バナナケーキを作ったよ。 (Homemade Banana cake)

2020-05-15 14:17:44 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hello there!

How are you doing today?

So, our daughter May-chan turned 17 months, and she's now able to eat pretty much same as what we adults eat.

She's been a decent eater overall, but she doesn't like much vegetables or fruits. What she loves to eat are carbs such as white rice, pasta, udon noodles, meat products (like ham or bacon) and cheese, and she doesn't eat vegetables simply boiled or stir fried almost at all.

The part that she loves carbs totally comes after me and the part that she loves meat products definitely comes after Andy for sure. Though, I want May-chan to eat well-balanced food as her mother.

Ideally, it'd be awesome if she eats something like carrot sticks, tomatoes, stir fried asparagus/zucchini or boiled broccoli, but there's a 99.9% chance that she won't eat those so far.

So, I sometimes chop 4-5 different kinds of veggies in small pieces and make curry or fried rice with them since May-chan likes those.

May-chan doesn't like vegetables, but she really loves Edamame beans. So, we bought many bags of frozen Edamame beans and serve them pretty much at every meal. (She actually loves fermented soy beans too!)

Besides vegetables, May-chan's not a fan of fruits in general either. I tried to give her a couple of kinds of berries, apples or bananas so far, but she only ate bananas.

Bananas aren't even what she loves to eat either, and she only eats it 3 times out of 10. Andy actually dislikes bananas, and I don't eat them so much either. So, bananas at our house get ripe very quickly.

So, I decided to bake a banana cake the other day before the bananas would go bad.

May-chan sometimes eats fruits mixed in pancakes or bread same as veggies, so I thought it might work.

BTY, I googled the difference between banana bread and banana cake, but they said there's not a certain difference between them. Just for your trivia.

So, as far as I remember, this was my first time to bake a banana cake, so I researched recipes online and picked one up.


完熟バナナケーキ レシピ 山本 麗子さん|【みんなのきょうの料理】おいしいレシピや献立を探そう

山本 麗子さんの完熟バナナを使った「完熟バナナケーキ」のレシピページです。外側はカリッ、生地はふんわりしっとり。秘密は完熟したバナナを使うこ...



As you know, American pastry recipes require pretty much double amount of sugar compared to Japanese recipes. The one that I chose was a Japanese recipe, but I saw that a lot of reviews saying "I reduced the amount of sugar, but it turned out to be so delicious!" and tried to bake mine with less sugar too.

The original recipe says 120g of sugar, and a lot of reviews said that they made with 80g of sugar. So, I decided to make mine with 100g of sugar which took the middle.

Again, pastries need quite a lot of butter and sugar, don't they?

I mixed them with a hand mixer and...

added an egg to it and...

added some oatmeal and raisins to it, which wasn't on the original recipe though.

In the middle of the baking...,

this person wanted attention from me. I don't know why, but May-chan always wants to interrupt my cooking and be held.

Though, I recently found that she relatively waits for me in a good mood when I put her in her high chair. Probably, she likes it when she can see things at the same eye level as mine.

I already forgot how I calmed May-chan down at the time, but I guess, I put her on my back with the baby sling and did the rest of the procedures. Haha.

I added flour and baking powder to the bowl and...

put it in the cake pan and cooked it in the oven.


The inside was like this.

I tried a bite, and yummy!!

When May-chan woke up from a nap, I gave her a couple of pieces. She gave me "Yummy!" sign back. Yay!

Though, it had so much sugar and butter, so I ate most of the loaf by myself. LOL

I want to cut more sugar and add more oatmeal when I make one next.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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今年のイースター (Easter 2020)

2020-05-13 14:22:16 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi everyone!

How's everything going in your life?

The other day, when I just put May-chan in bed , Andy called my name from outside and said,

"Honey, you wanna come out and see the moon!!"

So, I stepped out of the house and looked up at the sky.

It was the very fatty and beautiful moon in the sky. I later got to know that it was the super moon.

Andy kindly took some pictures of the beautiful moon so that I could share one here on my blog, and I hope you can see the beauty from the picture. Though, the real one was million times more beautiful than the picture one.

Thanks to Andy, we could have some calm and happy moments to adore the beauty of nature together.

I'm actually writing this article on the 2nd week of May, and Andy just started working from Brad's house today.

Andy had worked from home since the shelter-in-place order was made, and the longer this quarantine life lasted, the more stress he felt. Not only it's stressful enough for him that he can't go anywhere to socialize, but also it's frustrating for him to work from home where May-chan and I make noises all the time.

Today, he woke up and went over Brad's house in the morning, worked all day there and then came back home in the early evening. It was pretty much same as the schedule he used to do before the quarantine life began.

And it worked amazingly perfect!!

Andy could work in the quiet environment all day and didn't have to get any unnecessary stress at all. Besides that I didn't have to worry like, "Are we making too much noise?" at every single minute when I play with May-chan, so I was super happy that I could spend a day with May-chan at our own pace without worrying to bother Andy.

I don't know how long this quarantine life would last, but as far as Brad's okay, I hope that Andy and I can keep doing this way so that we both can stay calm and peaceful. LOL

By the way, April 12th was Easter this year, and we sort of celebrated it in our own low-key way.

We're not Christian, but still wanted to celebrated it by having a little fancy dinner just like non-Christian Japanese still celebrate Christmas in Japan.

I thought about doing an egg hunt for May-chan but ended up skipping it since she wouldn't know anything about it and it's easier for me too! Haha.

Oh yeah, I talked about this here before, but May-chan's toddler class was cancelled due to COVID-19. Though, the wonderful teachers still keep sharing a circle time video or at-home-activity suggestions with us weekly, which is awesome.

On the Easter week, they taught us how to make an Easter egg with a paper, and May-chan and I tried to make one 4 days before Easter.

The teachers actually were trying to use a word, "Spring Egg" instead of "Easter Egg" on the video.

Nowadays, people try not to use religious related words like "Happy Holidays!" instead of "Merry Christmas!" and I'm sure that the teachers were told to say "Spring Egg" instead of "Easter Egg" for the same reason.
"I'm not a Christian, but personally don't mind hearing "Merry Christmas" or "Easter Egg" and even tend to use those words.)

It's super simple to make an Easter egg with a peace of paper. An adult cuts a paper in an egg shape with scissors, and a child decorates it with paint, stickers or whatever.

I actually failed to cut the paper in an egg shape, and it turned to be like a raindrop. Though, May-chan didn't know what it was anyways, so it's no problem! Haha.

I was glad to see her enjoying decorating the egg.

On the next day after we made the Easter egg, yeah, here's MN, we got some snow! Our back yard turned to be white again.

Once the sun came up high, the snow on the ground melted in a moment, but look, there's a clear difference between in the shade and the sunshine.

Anyways, here's our Easter dinner. With the steak for the main dish, we made some garlic mashed potato, salad and grilled veggies.

The grill man cooked the steak perfectly and so yummy!

We actually had the Easter dinner on Saturday instead of Sunday.

Why? It's because...

結構雪降ったからね。(笑) 我が家のグリルマンがお天気をチェックして、ステーキを焼くなら土曜日という判断になったのです。
we got pretty good amount of snow on Easter. Our grill man said, "We should grill steak on Saturday instead of Sunday", which was a smart decision.

May-chan enjoyed some bits of the delicious steak too.

Happy Easter!

Yeah, other than the fancy steak, the dinner wasn't so different from our usual, but we still had a nice Easter this year!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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