Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

今年のイースター (Easter 2020)

2020-05-13 14:22:16 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi everyone!

How's everything going in your life?

The other day, when I just put May-chan in bed , Andy called my name from outside and said,

"Honey, you wanna come out and see the moon!!"

So, I stepped out of the house and looked up at the sky.

It was the very fatty and beautiful moon in the sky. I later got to know that it was the super moon.

Andy kindly took some pictures of the beautiful moon so that I could share one here on my blog, and I hope you can see the beauty from the picture. Though, the real one was million times more beautiful than the picture one.

Thanks to Andy, we could have some calm and happy moments to adore the beauty of nature together.

I'm actually writing this article on the 2nd week of May, and Andy just started working from Brad's house today.

Andy had worked from home since the shelter-in-place order was made, and the longer this quarantine life lasted, the more stress he felt. Not only it's stressful enough for him that he can't go anywhere to socialize, but also it's frustrating for him to work from home where May-chan and I make noises all the time.

Today, he woke up and went over Brad's house in the morning, worked all day there and then came back home in the early evening. It was pretty much same as the schedule he used to do before the quarantine life began.

And it worked amazingly perfect!!

Andy could work in the quiet environment all day and didn't have to get any unnecessary stress at all. Besides that I didn't have to worry like, "Are we making too much noise?" at every single minute when I play with May-chan, so I was super happy that I could spend a day with May-chan at our own pace without worrying to bother Andy.

I don't know how long this quarantine life would last, but as far as Brad's okay, I hope that Andy and I can keep doing this way so that we both can stay calm and peaceful. LOL

By the way, April 12th was Easter this year, and we sort of celebrated it in our own low-key way.

We're not Christian, but still wanted to celebrated it by having a little fancy dinner just like non-Christian Japanese still celebrate Christmas in Japan.

I thought about doing an egg hunt for May-chan but ended up skipping it since she wouldn't know anything about it and it's easier for me too! Haha.

Oh yeah, I talked about this here before, but May-chan's toddler class was cancelled due to COVID-19. Though, the wonderful teachers still keep sharing a circle time video or at-home-activity suggestions with us weekly, which is awesome.

On the Easter week, they taught us how to make an Easter egg with a paper, and May-chan and I tried to make one 4 days before Easter.

The teachers actually were trying to use a word, "Spring Egg" instead of "Easter Egg" on the video.

Nowadays, people try not to use religious related words like "Happy Holidays!" instead of "Merry Christmas!" and I'm sure that the teachers were told to say "Spring Egg" instead of "Easter Egg" for the same reason.
"I'm not a Christian, but personally don't mind hearing "Merry Christmas" or "Easter Egg" and even tend to use those words.)

It's super simple to make an Easter egg with a peace of paper. An adult cuts a paper in an egg shape with scissors, and a child decorates it with paint, stickers or whatever.

I actually failed to cut the paper in an egg shape, and it turned to be like a raindrop. Though, May-chan didn't know what it was anyways, so it's no problem! Haha.

I was glad to see her enjoying decorating the egg.

On the next day after we made the Easter egg, yeah, here's MN, we got some snow! Our back yard turned to be white again.

Once the sun came up high, the snow on the ground melted in a moment, but look, there's a clear difference between in the shade and the sunshine.

Anyways, here's our Easter dinner. With the steak for the main dish, we made some garlic mashed potato, salad and grilled veggies.

The grill man cooked the steak perfectly and so yummy!

We actually had the Easter dinner on Saturday instead of Sunday.

Why? It's because...

結構雪降ったからね。(笑) 我が家のグリルマンがお天気をチェックして、ステーキを焼くなら土曜日という判断になったのです。
we got pretty good amount of snow on Easter. Our grill man said, "We should grill steak on Saturday instead of Sunday", which was a smart decision.

May-chan enjoyed some bits of the delicious steak too.

Happy Easter!

Yeah, other than the fancy steak, the dinner wasn't so different from our usual, but we still had a nice Easter this year!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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