Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

我が家の独立記念日の過ごし方 その5(Family Time on the week of the 4th vol.5)

2020-07-22 13:08:17 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello everyone!

How's your life treating you today?

So, I'll keep writing the rest of our family's vacation on the 4th of July week here. (I'm not sure if it's counted as vacation though.)

On the 4th, I put this cute dress on May-chan. My friend, Marie, got it for May-chan a couple of weeks before, and I thought it was perfect for the 4th of July.


マリーからサプライズプレゼント (A surprise present from Marie) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


マリーからサプライズプレゼント (A surprise present from Marie) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


May-chan got super happy and hyper when I put this dress on her. She didn't stay still at all, which made it super hard for me to take a picture of her.

逃げようとするのを腕を掴んで何とか捕獲して、ようやくこのマシなショットが撮れました。(笑) マリー、改めてありがとう!!
She was trying to run away from me, but I grabbed her arm and finally could capture this shot. Haha. Thanks again, Marie, for the cute dress!

For lunch on the 4th, Andy kindly made pork burger for us.

Andy and Brad cooked everything on the grill for us as always.

Brad grilled veggie burgers for himself. I also asked them to grill just one corn ear that I had brought from home.

The simple lunch was ready! Andy was eating the burgers with buns, but I just enjoyed the patty since I wasn't hungry so much. It was tasty!

I actually thought that May-chan would like the grilled corn and I was going to share it with her, but she didn't eat even a kernel of it. (Dang!)

After the simple lunch, May-chan played with the water. I had brought her swimsuit to the rental place, but I ended up coming to the conclusion, "This diaper-only style was the easiest to me." Hehe.

May-chan's recent boom is to drink water from a water bottle. She's already ready to be wet, so I let her do with the bottle as she liked at the time.
(I usually assist her to drink from a bottle since May-chan can't do it on her own, but I'm 100% sure that she still spills . Haha)

Seriously, everyday on the week was very humid and hot, and thanks to that, I didn't have to worry, "Is May-chan getting too cold??" or something. May-chan had much fun with playing outdoor.

Okay, I'll write about the rest of the day on the next article.

So, bye for now! Thank you for reading again!!!

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