Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

人生の第3章 (Chapter 3 in My Life)

2019-03-08 15:50:08 | Hit-chanが思う事(My Random Thoughts)

How's everything in your life?

The other day, I heard this sad news.


Luke Perry acted Dylan Mckay in the drama, Beverly Hills 90210, just passed away from a stroke at the age of 52.


I was watching the drama from when I was in junior high and it was the biggest trigger to make me have the dream, "I wanna live in the US someday!"

It's already been over 20 years since then.

In the drama, the story started that the main characters, Brandon&Brenda, moved to Beverly Hills from Minnesota. And it makes me feel weird about the coincidence that the young girl who used to be crazy about the drama is now living in MN.

Besides that, the town which Brandon&Brenda came from was Wayzata where I used to work and I got to know it a couple of years ago through my friend, Brenda. Yeah, the same name as the character.

When I heard about Luke Perry's death, I remembered back my old days in Japan, "There were a lot of ups and downs back then, but it was very thrilling everyday."

At the same time that I recalled my young days, I strongly felt the brevity of human life from the age of 52 when Luke ended his life too.

Just as the title today, I'm feeling that I've started the chapter 3 in my life since May-chan was born.

In the chapter 1 in my life, I was born and raised in Japan and had the big, but vague dream, "Live in the US and have a happy family there!" when I was 15 or so and I worked hard to get closer to my goal everyday.

In chapter 2, I met Andy and moved to MN and started my brand new life here. I got a great joy from my big accomplishment to make my dream come true. Then, I stepped in the different culture for the first time in my life and tried so hard to learn how to swim in the ocean of English. Through a lot of kicking-my-own-butt days, I could meet wonderful friends.

Thankfully, I could make both 1 and 2 chapters in my life very meaningful and enjoyable even with a lot of drama.

Now, when I'm standing at another turning point in my life, I'm spending more time to think about how I want to live for the rest of my life.

And what's different in chapter 3 from 1&2 is that I don't have any clear and specific goal like "I wanna be this! I wanna do it!"

Who I am is able to purely keep trying hard on one thing as far as I know what I want to accomplish even if it'd take forever.

In chapter 1, I used to keep doing something to go forward through the back and forth day by day as thinking how I could get closer to my dream. And it was my happiness every time I could feel that I'd taken a step closer to "Live in the US".

Also in chapter 2, I had a lot of thrilling experiences too. I had this goal, "Get used to the new life here and work using English." I still remember how super nervous I was when I had the first interview for the Caribou job and how super scared I was when I first drove a car in the public road too. I ended up working at Caribou almost for 7 years.

Though, in the beginning of chapter 3, I don't have a strong desire or passion which makes me keep thinking, "I really wanna do this!"

I always had a big thirst and couldn't stand the situation at the time in the first two chapters.

I always felt it so empty to see my dream still very far from where I was and felt it painful to take forever to make progress to the goal. Though, those bitter days motivated me to keep trying.

However, I'm now in the middle of my dream I used to long for. I'm living in the US and I have a perfect family in my hands.

It's extremely lucky and I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart every single day.

Even though, I still feel something missing in my heart.

Like I said, I can't want anymore for what's around me. I've already got everything I wanted.

But, what about myself? Even in the ideal situation, I'm not who I want to be yet.

There's still some gaps between who I am and who I want to be and they create helplessness and inferiority complex in me.

So, I really want to start working on filling the gaps in chapter 3.

It'll be probably more difficult to keep myself motivated since it's not going to be like waking on one big road straight to a clear goal and I wouldn't have a big thirst like I did in the first two chapters.

Plus that, nobody else wouldn't even care or notice it even if I get closer to who I want to be or not.

Even though, you know, I still don't want to make it okay with staying who I am.

Needless to say, as Andy's wife and May-chan's mother, I want to become who I want to be and plus that, I want to be who I can be confident with who I am.

I talked a lot today, but speaking of my blog, I used to write about my feelings more often.

To me, this blog is a tool to express my honest feelings, a process to make myself listen to my own words and a method to organize my rondom thoughts and remind myself what I really want to do.

So, it might be boring words, but I'll still want to write my honest thoughts sometimes from now on.

Okay, this is all today. Thank you for reading again.

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