Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

2/4 パパママのお家にお泊り (At Dad&Mom's house 2/4)

2022-04-23 15:27:15 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hello folks!

How are you doing today?

Okay, following the last article, let met talk about when we spent a couple of days at Dad&Mom's cabin up north in the beginning of April.

In the morning of the 2nd day.

When I was hanging out in the dining room, I took a glance at the outside of the glass door. Then, there were 2 deer in the woods. Can you see them?

Here they are!

We can see some deer around our house too, but at Dad&Mom's house surrounded by mother nature, you can run into so many different wild animals there.

I love this view! The lakeview is always just speechlessly beautiful. There's actually 1 deer in the pic too. Yeah, it's too easy, isn't it?

Here it is!

Andy and I were going to stay at a hotel after Andy finished his work, so I still had much time to play with May-chan before that.

So, I decided to take a walk with her in the morning.

May-chan found a sled leaned against a wall outside and of course, she said she wanted to play with it.

The backyard made a downhill toward the lake, which was perfect for sledding. May-chan had much fun.

As you can see in the pictures above, there's still bunch of snow left on the ground around the house. Around our house, most of the snow had been melted and gone, so I could see the clear difference in the sceneries between the area where we lived and the area 3-hour-drive up north from our house.

I had my camera with me, so why not? We took a selfie. Even when the temperature was not that high, the sunshine let us feel refreshed.

May-chan and I took a walk on the driveway. It's actually a perfect distance from the house to the public road for us to enjoy a quick walk.

This is one of my favorite shots since this pic shows that winter was ending and spring was coming closer.

After we enjoyed some outdoor time, Mom asked me, "I have to get some stuff at the grocery store. Do you wanna come with?" So, why not? May-chan and I joined the shopping.

May-chan loves to ride on a cart, so she's happy to be on the cart that day as usual. She must have been happier since Grandma was there too!

When we're chilling out after the shopping, Andy's work was finished.

Andy and I packed things for 2 nights and left the house.

When May-chan was little, we usually sneaked to leave her. Though, Dad and Andy said that we should have said "Bye-bye!" so that May-chan would understand what's going on and get used to the situation. So, Andy and I said, "May-chan, Bye-bye!" and tried to leave the house.

Yeah, May-chan cried, "Mommy! Mommy!!"in Grandma's hands while we're leaving.

Though, Mom said that May-chan was crying for a couple of minutes after Andy and I left the house, but she was totally fine after that. LOL

Yeah, we sometimes need to give her a drastic remedy.

Okay, this is about the 2nd day before Andy and I left May-chan. On the next article, I want to write about how Andy and I spent time just with us.

This is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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