Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

ジョギングを始めて気づいた事。 (Some Good Things Jogging Taught Me)

2017-09-20 19:13:41 | MN生活(8年目) (MN2017-18)

How are you doing today?

I'm doing pretty well.

When I got back home from work and checked news online, my eyes got caught by a big news, Namie Amuro announced to retire next year. (She's a super famous singer in Japan.)

Actually, I was a huge, huge fan of her when I was younger and the first CD that I purchased, the first concert that I went to and my first fan club that I belonged to were all hers.

So, it was a big surprise to me, but she's been leading in Japanese entertainment for 25years and I feel like it would be the great time for her to start enjoying a relaxing life next.

I've talked about this here a couple of times before, but I started jogging in the beginning of this summer.

I started from doing a work out DVD or waking first, but I've mostly been doing just running recently.

Running everyday is such a high bar for me at this point and I want to run every 3 days ideally, but it all depends on my work shifts, how busy they are, the weather and what's more is my mood of the day.

Anyways, I went to run today after 8 day of laziness.

I can smell fall now.

It rained yesterday which made lots of leaves dropped on the path.

I hadn't run for 8 days and I knew it's going to be hard. Yeah, it's pretty tough. So, I just ran the half way of my usual course and walked back on the other half.

Here's my usual turning point.

So, I've got to know some new and good things since I started jogging and I want to share them with you here today.

You can have the best sense of accomplishment!


It's not something that you're told or you do for money. You do it just because you decided to do it, so when you accomplish it, it makes you feel the best! It's just running but once you're done with it, you can feel more motivated for other things too.

You get physically stronger!


It's needless to say, but if you didn't do any exercise before and then once you start it, you can naturally gain some muscle and body strength. Me personally, my thighs and calves were much thinner before and I couldn't run all the way of even 2miles or so, but now they got bigger and make me be able to run a certain distance without any break.

The digestive system works better!


Since I started joggint, I feel like that my digestive system got better. I have changed my diet a little bit and that might be a part of the reason, but I can feel that my digestive works more actively while I'm running, so I bet running gives a positive effect on your digestive system somehow.

You can see seasons change!


I frequently write about the days that I hang out on my blog and that might make you think I'm such an active person, but in the reality, I'm so lazy and love staying at home. Even when I work, I just drive from home to work most of the time, so I've spent more time outside since I started running. The running time brought me the feeling of breeze, the smell of trees, encounters of wild squirrels and bunnies etc... In a word, I can feel more nature!! So, it's very nice to directly see and feel seasons changing from Spring to Summer and Summer to Fall.

You can touch invisible energy!


Yeah, you wonder what I'm talking about, but this is the most interesting thing that I noticed through running. I always run on the same trail near my house and of course, there are a lot of people enjoying cycling, walking, jogging on the trail too. It's not to every single person, but I usually try to greet them. When I say "Hi!" with a smile to them and they say "Hi!" back to me with a smile, my body actually feels a little bit lighter. It's only 5steps or so, but I feel it for sure. Even a quick and nice greeting on the road makes my body move easier, so I think there's certain difference between home games and away games in sports. This experience on the trail makes me believe that there's really invivisble energy to affect us with each other.

I took this pic today and you can see some of the maple leaves turning red.

I bet fall files away so quickly, so I want to enjoy it before it's gone!

I don't want to say "Oh, I used to go running so hard at that time!" if I read this article 5 years later, so I'll take it as comfortable and easy as I can continue it longer.

Okay, this is all for today! Thanks again for reading!

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