Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

シカゴ旅行・後編 (Chicago Trip 3/3)

2021-11-16 09:05:44 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hi everyone!

How's your day going today?

Okay, this is the last article about the Chicago trip.

In the morning on the 2nd day, Andy had a meeting with his mentor at the Chicago office and left the hotel early. I had an important chore, renewing my passport at the consulate of Japan in Chicago which was the main purpose of this trip, so I went to the office first in the morning.

The consulate office opened at 10am, so I left the hotel around 9:50am and walked to the building.

I got there a minute before the open time, so I was the first one for the day.

Without any problem, I could receive my new passport and left the office in 10 mins or so, which means that I could get back to the hotel room around 10:15am.

There were so many nice shops in downtown Chicago and I could look at a couple of them, but there was a storm hitting the area that day. The rain had been weaker by the time, but the wind was still pretty strong, so I headed back to the hotel room straight from the consulate office. Plus, I didn't want to check any particular shops either.

Andy also returned to the hotel room shortly after I got back.

Thankfully the check-out time was late, noon, so I was being lazy watching TV while Andy was having an online meeting.

We left the hotel in the strong wind and light rain.

We're going to Chicago anyways, so I had asked Andy to take me to this place.

Ta-da. It's a Japanese grocery store. Mitsuwa

I heard a lot about the Japanese grocery stores, but it was the first time for me to go in one.

Yeah, I was super excited!

I suggested Andy, "They might sell high quality wagyu beef, so you'd definitely wanna check it out." Hehe.

Just I had expected, they had very delicious looking beef at the meat section, but the prices were so fancy as well and Andy was hesitating to buy one.

"We don't know when we can come here next, so you should buy it." I pushed his back. I was also thinking that he deserved it because he drove all the way from our house to Chicago for 7 hours.
(I pushed him to buy it, but we paid it with money from his hardworking. Haha)

After we spent way more money than we'd expected at Mitsuwa, we headed to the last destination on this trip.

This is the place.

I actually got to know that this sushi restaurant was in Chicago. I also found out that it's located only 13mins away from Mitsuwa store, so I asked Andy to eat lunch here.

Andy's been to a revolving style sushi restaurant once in Japan, but it's his first time to this particular chain, Kura Sushi.
(I've personally been to this sushi chain million times in Japan. Plus, my younger brother works for this company for years too.)

The place was pretty much same as ones in Japan, and I was super excited there too!

The selection of fish was smaller than what you can have at their restaurants in Japan which was understandable, but the quality of the fish was as good as in Japan and perfectly pleased me.

Andy loved their dishes too.

Again, I was completely pleased with their delicious sushi. LOL

After the super satisfactory lunch, we set out on the 7hour road trip back to MN.

It's still bright out when we were leaving Chicago, but...

it's getting darker and darker as we drove ahead.

We didn't need to stop for bathroom breaks as often as we did on the way to Chicago, so it took about 6 hours for us to get back home around 9pm.

This is how we enjoyed the Chicago trip. We originally started planning it to renew my passport and it was a bullet trip, but it turned out to be very fun. I really enjoyed the Japanese grocery store and sushi restaurant, and we both had a wonderful and quiet time just with us.

Okay, this is all about the Chicago trip!

Thank you for reading again!!!

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