Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

初・永久歯&歯医者さん (May-chan's 1st permanent tooth & dentist)

2024-04-25 13:49:32 | めいちゃん (May-chan)

Hello everyone!




How's everything going today? 




So, let me put my Japan diaries aside and share our daily life today. 




Just as the title says, all 3 of us went to dentist in the middle of April. 




To be honest with you, it was the first time for us to go to the dentist for a regular check-up and cleaning since before the pandemic. 





めいちゃんの初日本vol.8 (May-chan's 1st Japan Trip 8) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


I wrote a little bit about the last appointment on this article and it said that it was the end of January in 2020. Wow. 




Since then, due to my busy life and lazy nature, I hadn't done any check-ups, but finally I took an action this April. 




On my last appointment, I took May-chan with me and they gave her a quick introduction tour to show her, "The dentist office is like this!" but she ended up just crying so hard at that time.  (She just turned 3 then.)




Now, she's 5 and a big girl. 




She recently loves playing pretending to be a doctor or dentist, so when I told her, "Tomorrow, May-chan, Daddy, Mommy and May-chan are going to a dentist together!", "Really!! I can't wait!!" she was super excited. 



It was actually a good timing for her to go to the dentist since she got her 1st permanent tooth coming in a couple of weeks before. 




Though, the baby tooth still sat there firmly, so we wanted the dentist to check if it's fine or not. 





5ヶ月になりました。 (Happy 5months old!) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


BTW, the 1st permanent tooth was coming in on the same spot where May-chan got her 1st baby tooth at the age of 5 months, which amazed me! Human bodies are full of wonders!!




For the appointment day, I first went to the dentist office by myself for my check-up and cleaning and while I was being taken cared of, May-chan and Andy came in too. 




While I was in the reclining chair and being cleaned my teeth, I heard Andy & May-chan's voices from the next room, which made me wonder, "How's she doing?"  and I was trying to listen to what they're doing. 




May-chan was doing well in the beginning, but in the middle of her cleaning, she was so borthered by having the cleaning equipments or rinsing water into the mouth. So, I could hear her saying, "Ahhh....!!!" or Andy saying, "May! Open your mouth!!" LOL




丁度その頃、Hit-chanのクリーニングが終わったので隣の部屋に行くと、歯科助手さんがクリーニングをしてくれていたのですが、めいが顔をしかめて、「I don't like it!!」と言って、口を開けるのを拒否。
My cleaning was just done around the time and went to the next door. I saw that the dental assistant was trying to clean May-chan's teeth, but May-chan was yelling, "I don't like it!!" and  kept her mouth shut.  
(She's actually very picky about flavors of tooth paste in general, so I assume that she didn't like the flavor of the paste for cleaning.)




Anyways, the dentist office was very family friendly. 




So, the assistant lady quickly stopped what she was trying to do and told May-chan, "Okay, I'll stop it. It's all done for today!!"



Of course, if it was treating a cavity or something, they couldn't stop the operation in the middle, but this time was just cleaning and check-up and also the very first time for May-chan, so she probably thought that it'd be better for May-chan to finish there than leaving the dentist with a bad impression.  (Which I appreciated.) 




After the noisy cleaning, May-chan had the dentist check her teeth and there's no problem! 
(She said that we wouldn't have to worry about the spot where the new tooth was coming in.)



Then,  the last part of the appointment was a very American style. 



"You did such a great job today, so I'll get tokens for you so that you can get a prize!" the dental assistant said to May-chan and brought 2 golden coins. 



At the aisle to the exist, they had this capsule toy machines and May-chan could get 2 prizes there. 




Needless to say, but May-chan was super excited by the little toys she got. 




Okay, this is how May-chan went through her very first dentist appointment. At least she didn't say, "I won't go to the dentist again!" or something, so I think that it went well overall. 




Our next appointments are in 6 months. Let's see how much May-chan will grop up in the next 6 months. 




Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!




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