Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

4/4 春休みバケーション (Spring Break Vacation vol.4 of 4)

2024-04-01 12:25:35 | MN生活(14年目)(MN2023-24)

Hi there!




How are you doing today? 




Okay, this is the last article about our spring vacaton 2024. 




Day 2 of Andy and my relaxing hotel life. 




In the morning, Andy enjoyed golf simulation with Dad and I had a blast having a lazy time in the hotel room. Then, we had late lunch. 




After the casual lunch, we went back to the hotel room and Andy took a nap. While he's sleeping, I was just having a lazy time again. 




Arond 5 pm after Andy's up from the nap, we went for a walk around the hotel. 



It wasn't that cold and that was perfect to take a walk. 




Again, we took a little blurry selfie. My camera focas was on the background again. Haha. 




I don't know when we walked side by side like this last. 



So why not? I recorded this precious time in my camera. 



Yeah, when you have enough time and energy, you can play well like this. 



There's a wide-open space near the hotel and we saw it surrounded with yellow tapes like this. 




Oh! Easter eggs!



When we found out the eggs on the ground, "A snowstorm is coming tomorrow..." Andy was worried. Maybe because of the weather or not, we later got to know that they're going to do the egg hunt in the early evening that day. 



After the nice walk, we watched this movie on Andy's laptop. Andy said that he had wanted to show me it from before. 




Airplane (1980)
邦題 フライングハイ                            (画像拝借元

It was a comedy and there was a main storyline, but the entire movie was a sequence of cheesy funny scenes. It might be because I didn't fully get the American sense of humor and I felt it too cheesy sometimes. 




Even though I said that I didn't fully got the sense of humor, but that doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy the movie at all. As the title said, most of the scenes happened on an airplane, so "Oh, it was allowed on the flight back then!" it was very interesting for me to see the differences in the rules and common sense between modern and classic air travels. 




My dinner was just the leftovers of fish&chips and Caesar salad from the earlier lunch, which was decent. As for Andy, he got a free Heggies pizza from the hotel. 




If it's our usual vacation, we have a relaxing morning on the last day and go home around noon or something, but the forecast was saying that we're having a big snowstorm on the next day, Sunday, so we checked out the hotel early in the morning and picked up May-chan at Dad&Mom's house about 8am. 




In fact, Dad&Mom were originally planning to come down to our house on Monday for Mom's medical appointment, but they changed their plan and decided to come down to our house on Sunday morning as well. So, they left their home at the same time as we left their house.  



On the way back home, the snow was falling already, but the storm was not there yet. 




The roads were pretty slippery, which made me nervous, but thanks to Andy's safe driving, after we made 1 stop at a gas station for using the bathroom and cleaning up the snow on the car, we could get back to our house around noon.
(Dad&Mom also got to our house a little later after they had lunch break near our house. It's totally a smart decision that we had checked forecast and left early in the morning.)




Okay, like this even though I called it spring vacation, we ended up coming home in a big snowstorm in the end, which was such a Minnesota-like. 



Although, thanks to Dad&Mom for watching May-chan for 2 nights, Andy and I could have such a calm and quiet time with just 2 of us and enjoyed exchanging our random thoughs with each other. 




FYI, May-chan had a blast without Daddy&Mommy at Grandpa&Grandma house and didn't miss us at all. 




Okay, this is all about our spring vacation 2024! Thank you for reading agian!!




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