Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

家族で雪遊び (Family Snow Time!)

2024-04-09 09:57:45 | MN生活(14年目)(MN2023-24)

Hello everyone!




How are you doing today? 




Today let me put my Japan daiary aside and share my recent MN life here. 





4/4 春休みバケーション (Spring Break Vacation vol.4 of 4) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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In the late of March, during May-chan's spring break, we had a short spring vacation. On the last day of the vacation, we hurried to be on the way back home since a big snow storm was coming. 




On Thursday of the same week, there's bunch of snow left on the ground, but the temperature was warm enough to make me think, "Oh, the snow might be gone in the morning tomorrow..." So, why not? I decided to play in snow with May-chan in the afternoon after her school. 




Especially because this winter was very warm and gave us muss less snow than usual, so I thought that the day would be the last chance for us to play in snow this winter. 




Before May-chan started goign to preschool, I often took her out to play in snow. Although, since she started going to preschoo, especially YMCA which program was mainly managed outdors, I've counted on the young teachers there to make May-chan play outside a lot even for a half day twice a week. So, I ended up being too lazy to play in snow with her recently. 




メレちゃんの雪デビュー (Mere-chan's snow debut) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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Let's see some old articles about us playing in snow. Yeah, I was working hard to make May-chan and Mere-chan (my friend's daughter) play in snow a couple of years ago. 




夜のそり遊び (Night Sledding) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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相変わらず雪遊びしてます。(Play in Snow) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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初そり遊び (May-chan's first sledding) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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In all the articles about us playing snow in the past, May-chan was sooooo small!! These articles made me think how much she's been growing up in the last few years. Totally, throwback moments. 



Again, it was not so cold that day, so we could play in snow as long as we liked as far as we're well water-proof. 



Lucky us!! Our back yard is perfctly sloped for sledding. 




May-chan's super happy and giggling. 



She's now 5 and big enough to carry the sled up to the top of the hill, which made my life so easy. Haha. 




She also asked me, "I want to do it with Mommy!" so I sled with her too. Yeah, I guess it was my first time in the last what years?? (So fun!!)




The snow was pretty moist and perfect for making a snowman, so...




Why not?? We made one in American style with 3 balls. (Just 2 balls in Japanese style, FYI.)



Andy came out and joined us probably becaues he heard May-chan and me giggling and laughing in the yard, 




Daddy's helping May-chan put a nose on the snowman. 




Our collaboration of winter, Olaf, the snow man!! May-chan named him and no doubt that she watched "Frozen" for the first time on the day before. Haha. 




What a cute snowman!! I couldn't resist asking him to take a picture with me too. 



Afte the snowman was born, Andy and I played a very serious snowball fight (Andy won!) and all of us also did a snowball free throw game because May-chan was upset to be hit snowballs even though she said, "Let's do a snowball fight!!" Haha. 




There's a lot of snow but it's not so cold, which was a perfect day for playing in snow, so even I, a super freezy girl, could have a great time too. 




I don't remeber when we last played giggling together before that day, but it was a very nice and heartwarming family time. 




Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!





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