Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

8 ひとり帰国日記/初びっくりドンキー (Japan Trip Alone 2024 vol.8 /Family Dinner @ Bikkuri Donkey)

2024-04-14 11:50:37 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)

Hello there!




How's your day going? 




It's such a beautiful day here in MN! The highest temperature is 73F (23C) and you can be fine just in T-shirt. 




The tulips that May-chan planted with Daddy are growing well and they're this big as of today, April 14th. 
(The red stuff are the sign to tell where the tulips were planted.) 




Look! I found a bud (I hope I'm right.)  in one of the biggest stems. 




We all are so looking forward to seeing them bloom!!




Okay, let me continue to talk about my Japan trip here. 




Day 5 of the trip, my dad had a day off (he works in the 3rd shift) , we all went out to eat at this famous and popular Japanese hamburger restaurant, Bikkuri- Donkey (English website)




I knew about the restaurant from when I lived in Japan, but I'd never eaten there. 




My parents hadn't eaten at the restaurant until a couple of years before, but my sister, Skatch, took them there once and then they really loved it. Since then, they sometimes eat out at the restaurant. 




The biggest reason why we didn't go to this restaurant was because we didn't have a car. So, since Skatch got her driver's license, it's become way more convenient to go to places where we couldn't go without a car. 



It was the first time for us to go out to eat together on this trip. 



They have a book menu, but you order on the tablet at your table. It's a big selection on their menu!




I was eating their hamburger for the first time, so I chose the most standard plate. 



I ordered a bowl of miso soup and was surprised by the big size!



My parents who were saying, "We're too old to eat a lot anymore." chose this hamburger and shrimp combo without rice. I took some of the shrimp and it was so crispy and yummy!




Skatch who loved spicy stuff chose this seasonal plate, a hamburger with garlic Shichimi (Japanese 7 spices) and Mala (Chinese spices) sauce. 




Thank you for giving us a ride after work, Skatch!




My dad is like a 10 year-old boy. He's super excited and treated us too. Thank you!!




It was my first Bikkuri-Donkey, but I totally got it why they're so popular. They're so family friendly and I saw a lot of families dining there that night. 




The hamburger was pretty good too. They have a big selection of dessert too, so you can stop by just for a cup of coffee and sweet too. 




After the nice family dinner, we swang by a convenient store. What a surprise! I went to a convenient store for the first time on Day 5 of the trip!! (Usually, you can't wait that long!!) My dad bought me 3 rice balls for the next day's breakfast. Thanks again! 




Like this, the first family dinner on the trip was great and fun. 




Thank you for reading again!!! Bye for now!!




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