豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2009-02-14 19:27:14 | 動物




Japan can help Australian driving out cane toads
Sat. February 14 : fine occasionally rain

Cane toads, that used to live in limited area of South America, have rapidly invaded broad areas of Australia in where there are no natural predators. It is just like the invasion of Valentine Days in Japan. The licensed cooks of the balloon fish will be able to cook them in sashimi or hot pots as they have poison in their parotid glands. They should utilize the excellent Japanese appetite and techniques for international cooperation of cane toad catching. Japan is also good at selling meat illegally, so called the scientific research. Toad flesh has higher quality than whale meat does. Japan is a heretical Christian country in where people go on heat only 2 days a year. If you manufacture “King Toad Drink”, it will be a boom for sure. Toad poison has a similar action to stimulants and that is sometimes used by drug addicts. Japanese college students, why don’t you join in toad catching?

Red Viper Drink

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