Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

23 日本帰国 2022/Andyっち念願の鈴鹿・前編 (23 Japan Trip 2022/Suzuka Circuit 1/2)

2022-09-20 09:19:21 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hello everyone!

How's your life treating you today?

Here's another Kyoto diary article today.

Andy only had one more week left to enjoy Japan in the late of June, so he decided to take the whole week off so that he could do as many things that he had wanted to do during the trip as possible.

On June 23rd, we took a one-night trip to one of his most favorite spots in Japan where he wants to visit every time he gets a chance to go to Japan, Suzuka circuit in Mie prefecture.

11 日本帰国 2022/鈴鹿旅行断念&初ものもらい (10 Japan Trip 2022/Cancelled Suzuka Trip & First Stye) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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We're originally going to make the trip in the early June, but had to cancel it since May-chan got sick in the morning.

Thankfully, May-chan's in the best shape and so ready for the trip this time. We left the Airbnb a little after noon.

Let me think how many times Andy and I had been to Suzuka circuit...yeah this one was our 3rd time. The location is a little bit inconvenient to access by train, so we always rent a car to get there.

In the last couple of our trips to Suzuka, we rented a car from stores in the middle of busy downtown Kyoto which made us so nervous to drive but this time we rented one from a store in a suburb area near the Airbnb place, so it's much more comfortable and easier driving to get to highway.
(The staff were really nice too.)

Let's go!

I have a Japanese driver's license but don't drive there really, so Andy always takes the driver's role for the trips.

We, of course, rented a child seat for May-chan and she's ready to go too!

The GPS in the car was a free option and a ETC card reader (which is an equipment to insert a card to pay highway toll) but we didn't have an ETC card anyways and paid the tolls with cash.
(When we rented a car in Tokyo before, the rental car shop let us use their ETC card so that we could go through tollgates conveniently and charged the toll on our credit card after the rental hours. So, I had thought that we could get an ETC card with the car this time as well, but I was wrong. I assume that it depends of the rental car shop.)

Andy and I both like the beautiful scenery from the highway on the way to Suzuka.

I actually like the illusionary vies in the tunnels too.

Woo hoo! We're in Suzuka!

On Day 1, we headed straight to a hotel and checked in.

We stayed in this hotel on the last 2 trips too.

コンフォートホテル鈴鹿 【公式サイト】


コンフォートホテル鈴鹿 【公式サイト】


We had booked a long-stay plan which you could check in at 2pm and check out at 11 am. It was 7200yen ($70ish) for a night.

After we checked in and while I was taking a short nap in the room, Andy and May-chan were taking a walk around the hotel.

Dinner time!

One the reasons why we stayed at this hotel was because Andy and I really enjoyed Spanish dinner at a restaurant near the hotel on the last trip and were talking, "We definitely wanna eat at the Spanish restaurant again!!!"

日本2018 (Japan 2018, vol.45) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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I wrote about the restaurant on this article.


We sadly found out that the Spanish restaurant wasn't there anymore. Dang!
(I had checked their Facebook and thought it's still open from the recent post. Though, the post was made about a year ago.haha)

Okay then, we changed our plan and decided to eat at this restaurant this time.

Their featuring dishes were steak but had a lot of kinds of food there.

Thank you for driving again!

Even though there's a lot of delicious-looking food, May-chan loved the bread only. LOL

She really loved and got a refill too.


Of course, she got ice cream for dessert! Yeah, I know, we're spoiling her.

Our original dinner plan was totally changed, but we luckily had a wonderful time in the end.

Okay, this is all about Day 1 of our Suzuka trip.

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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22 日本帰国 2022/スカッチとデート (22 Japan Trip 2022/A Date with Skutch)

2022-09-18 09:37:39 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hello there!

How's everything going in your life today?

Okay, here's another article of my Kyoto diary.

On August 22nd, there was only 1 week left before Andy would go back to MN.

I had a girl date with my sister, Skutch, and asked Andy to watch May-chan for that.

I actually hadn't had many chances to go out and spend much time for shopping without May-chan in Japan, so I took the last chance to make it happen before Andy went back home.

Skutch gave me a ride that day too! Thank you!

We went to this mall where Skutch often stopped by after work. "Al.Plaza"

I didn't know this, but the mall/supermarket chain is owned by a company in Shiga and the stores are only in Kansai area, so the name is familiar to me, but not to everyone in Japan.

I'm so used to driving on wide roads in MN, so narrow roads like this in Kyoto makes me too nervous to try driving there, especially when bikes or motorcycles suddenly pass by your car.

Oh well, I was having much fun with the shopping and didn't take many pictures during it, but I bought some toys which would be sold just in Japan for May-chan and some other small cute things too. There were many more retail shops in the mall than I had expected, so "Oh, this mall does enough. We don't have to go to Aeon (a big mall) anymore!!" I said.

What's best and special was that I could spend as much time as I wanted to look around the stores without May-chan.

Skuch and I were slightly getting hungry, so decided to take a coffee break.

I ordered a cup of coffee and a piece of roll cake.

The roll cake was softer than I had thought and super delicious!! I was so used to sort of wild cakes in the US, which made me feel the softness of the Japanese cake more.

Skutch had waned to try the mint chocolate drink, so she got it and then...

this sandwich. I didn't try it, but it definitely looked yummy.

This was one of my favorite stores in Japan, Village Vanguard. (They're originally a book store, but sell tons of miscellaneous things related to cartoons or other things.)

What I was looking for during this trip was a couple pairs of pants which would fit my short legs. Luckily, I could find a good pair for $6!! LOL

Okay, this is all about the girl date with my sister, Skutch. Thanks to Skutch for giving me a ride, I didn't have to worry to walk and carry with the big haul of the shopping.

Besides the fun shopping itself, I was very pleased to spend much time alone with my loving sister for the first time in a long, long time.

Honestly speaking, I wanted to go shopping at the mall with Skutch one more time during the trip, but I was having too hectic days to make it happen. So, I'd definitely want to put that on my to-do list next.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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帰国後初のプレイデート (First play date after the Japan trip)

2022-09-16 09:44:53 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi folks!

How's it going today?

I've been working on sharing my Kyoto diary here for a while, but I haven't updated my recent MN life instead. So, I'm going to write more about what my family's doing lately too.

On August 2nd, which was about 2 weeks after May-chan and I came back home from Japan.

We're pretty much recovered from the time lag and back to normal life at the point, so I asked my mom friend, Ume-chan, to have a play date with us.

Compared to me who likes staying home, Ume-chan's very active and goes out to many places, so we had this play date at this spot where she found and recommended.

It's Wayzata beach.

Speaking for Wayzata, yes, I worked at Caribou coffee in the town almost for 6 years and used to go to the town pretty much everyday. Still, all I was doing back then was going to work and coming back home, so I'd never been to the beach though I knew there was a beach in the town.

Long time no see, guys!! May-chan became very social in Japan, so she's super happy to see her first friend, Koume-chan!

"Let's do this together, Koume-chan'!!" May-chan wanted to do everything with Koume-chan.

May-chan was a little bit too clingy and made Koume-chan overwhelmed too. Haha.

The beach had a playground and they both seemed to enjoy it.

There was a monkey bar which height was perfect for them. They liked hanging there.
(Koume-chan was hanging with one hand and almost falling in this picture though. Haha.)

The monkey bar at our favorite ball park is too high for May-chan to enjoy, but this one was more reachable and enjoyable for her.

Koume-chan was as fearless as May-chan and climbed up this high on the equipment on her own! Great job!

The view around the beach was awesome too.

We took a short walk on the dock too. (There's no fence on the dock, so we're really worried if the girls would fall off into the water and had to hold their hands for sure.)


May-chan's super excited and happy with Koume-chan and overwhelming her with big hugs and kisses again.

I live in MN for 12 years.

The winter is super harsh and makes me stay home more in the season, but the summer is really comfortable and refreshing, which is perfect for outdoor playdates.
(I really appreciated the wonderful summer in MN especially because I just spent 2 months in Kyoto where the summer was super hot and humid.)

Okay, this is all about the first play date after we came back from Japan. May-chan had such a wonderful time.

Precious smile!

Thank you, Ume-chan&Koume-chan for the fun playdate!!

Thank you for reading again. Bye for now!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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21 日本帰国 2022/両親と四条・後編 (21 Japan Trip 2022/A Date with My parents in Shijo 3/3)

2022-09-14 17:46:33 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hello there!

How are you doing today?

Okay, this is the last one about the Shijo walk. I hope you'll enjoy it.

After we ended Andy's whiskey hunt, we headed to this restaurant which was also one of the places where Andy had wanted to go.


「SPRING VALLEY (スプリングバレー)」のブランドサイトです。1870年、日本のビール産業の礎を築いた横浜の醸造所「SPRING VALLEY BREWERY(スプリングバレー・ブルワリー...


Kyoto Spring Valley Brewery

When we were in Kyoto in 2018, we visited them a couple of times. We're staying in the area at the time, so Andy walked to the brewery and enjoyed some beer and food by himself a couple of times too.

What's good to eat with my parents was that we could try more kinds of food and share them togehter!

Big steak!

Again, it was a hot and humid day (a typical summer day in Kyoto), so the refreshing sourness of the pickles were so yummy.

The picky-eater, May-chan, surprisingly told us, "I wanna eat pizza!!" so we ordered it too. Just as she told us, she ate it a lot!

Different parts of steak. May-chan loves steak, so she ate it a lot too.

We all were very pleased with the fun and yummy lunch. Of course, the beer too.

On the way back to the train station, we were through the famous market in Kyoto, Nishiki-Itchiba, but I noticed that I'd lost my hat somewhere.

I actually bought this hat shortly after we got to Kyoto and I actually really liked it. I was wearing it at the temple for sure.

さっきのSpring Valley Breweryで失くした可能性がかなり高かったので、母がわざわざ戻って聞いてくれたんですが、無かった模様。
There was a high chance that I lost it at Spring Valley Brewery, so my mom kindly returned there and asked the staff. Though, she couldn't find it.

I was very disappointed, but we found a hat shop on the way to the station and my dad kindly bought me a hat for me. He felt so bad for me.

Thank you, dad!! I was wearing the hat all the time for the rest of Kyoto life. Haha.

At Gion-Shijo station, we said bye-bye to my parents and we checked in the hotel.
(Sorry to say this million times, but it was super hot and humid that day. I assumed that my parents were exhausted as well as we were.)

ホテルで休憩した後、折角街まで出て来たので、この日の晩御飯はホテルから徒歩3分くらいの所にある焼肉屋さん焼肉の名門 天壇に行きました。
We were chilling out in the cool hotel room for a while and then decided to eat dinner at this fancy Korean BBQ restaurant located 3 min walk away from the hotel. 焼肉の名門 天壇

I think that they featured their special BBQ sauce at the restaurant, but "Their sauce is too rich and overpowers the meat flavor." Andy wasn't a fan of the special sauce.

Still, their meat quality was really good, so we ordered ones without the sauce and enjoyed them.

May-chan obviously took over her daddy's meat lover blood. She didn't like the marinated meat either and loved ones without. It's good that she enjoys natural flavors just like her daddy.

Thank you for the fancy meal!

After the fancy dinner, we were so tired and went to bed soon.

In the next morning, all we did was checking out the hotel and heading back home. Still, when we're walking in Shijo in the morning, I remembered the 3 months when Andy and I were staying in the area in 2018 and cherished the memories.

So, this is all about the 2 days when we were having much fun in Shijo area. We really appreciate my parents for coming along with and guiding us there too. Thanks to them, we could do what we'd wanted to do and go where we'd wanted go.

Okay, this all for today! Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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20 日本帰国 2022/両親と四条・中編 (20 Japan Trip 2022/A Date with My parents in Shijo 2/3)

2022-09-11 12:20:13 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hi folks!!

How's your day going today?

I've been writing my Kyoto diary for a long time, but here's another one. We stayed there for 2 months, so I have lots of things to share!!

I started writing about the day when Andy, May-chan and I hung around Shijo area with my parents to explore Japanese vintage whiskey or visit our favorite knife shop.

After we got another knife at our favorite knife shop, Tsunehisa, to add our kitchen knife collection, we headed to this place where both Andy and I had really wanted to go before we would restart Andy's whiskey hunt.

My mom was born and grew up in downtown Kyoto, so she's always the one to guide us.

This was the place that Andy and I wanted to go to, Somedonoin, a temple familiar for prayer for safe childbirth and fertility.


初日本旅行 7 (The First Japan Trip 7) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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When Andy went to Japan for the first time and we're hanging out in downtown Kyoto, my mom taught us about the temple and took us there.

May-chan was born in 2018, so it was 3 years before that when we first visited the temple, but we'd been talking, "When we have a girl sometime, let's name her May-chan!" and wrote a wish on a wooden plate on the visit, "May healthy May-chan come to us!"

3 years after the first temple visit, as you guys already know, we thankfully welcomed our healthy and cute daughter. So, Andy and I were saying, "let's go to the temple again so that we can say thank you for May-chan and also pray for another child." from when this Japan trip was booked.

A picture from the first visit in 2015. We both look so young!!

A picture from this visit. I'm really grateful that we could bring May-chan with us. Yeah, the face masks show what a year we'd been through though.

We prayed for another healthy child especially because we were going through another IVF at the time too.

We also had a name for boy, so wrote down his name on the wooden plate too.

Visiting the temple was one of the top things to do on the trip list, so both Andy and I were really happy that we could mark it down.

Okay now, we headed to another liquor shop for Andy's whiskey hunt.

錦 – お酒の美術館

It's so hard to find places selling Japanese vintage whiskeys nowadays, but this shop was a big hit!

Andy found some bottles that he'd been interested in. All the bottles on the shelves were very expensive, so we had to pay extra attention to May-chan's move inside the store. Haha.

Even though Andy finally could find some interesting bottles at the store, the prices were about 2-3 times more expensive than the ones 3 years ago since Japanese whiskey has become very popular in general and also maybe due to the pandemic too.

Andy felt like trying a couple of bottles, but they're too expensive to afford, so we ended up leaving the store with no haul.

Even without any haul, Andy was pleased that he could find rare bottles and check the prices in person, so we ended his whiskey hunt at the store.

Wow, I actually have much more to share about the Shijo walk, so I'll write the rest of it on the next article!

I hope you'll enjoy the next article too!

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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