Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

10 サードステップ/妊娠判定 (10 Third Step/Pregnancy Test)

2022-09-28 11:29:02 | 3rdステップ/不妊治療(Infertility Treatment 2)
Hello everyone!

How are you doing today?

This is another article of Third Step series today.

I strongly want you to read this to the end part for sure today.

On the last article, I wrote that I had our embryo transplant into my womb on June 16th and it went really well. Then, on June 27th, 11 days after the transplant, I visited the clinic for a pregnancy test.

I was doing just as usual from the transplant day to the pregnancy test, but in the morning of the pregnancy test appointment, I started getting super nervous out of the blue when I was leaving the Airbnb place. I was feeling as if I was walking on the air while I was waiting for a train at the station.

Though, as I was getting closer to the clinic, I was getting back to normal and standing on the ground for sure around when I got to the clinic. Haha.

When I got off the train at the station by the clinic, I don't know why, but I was curious, "Will my face change after I know the result by any chance??" and took a selfie.

This is my face before I heard the result.

After I checked in, I gave them my urine sample in the bathroom.

Then, they called my name sooner than usual.

Here it is! The result was positive!!

This was exactly same as when I was pregnant with May-chan, but I was more relieved for the fact that I didn't have to change any trip plan and could go back to MN as we had originally planned than I was excited.

While I was waiting for a train going back to the Airbnb place, I made a call to Andy.

Even before we heard the result, Andy kept telling me, "It'll be fine." So, he was excited that the result confirmed his hunch was right.

Right after that, I also called my mom. She actually answered my phone right away and surprised me. "Oh yeah, because I knew you're gonna call me." she said and that made me happy to know that she really cared about us.

Needless to say, we shared the happy news with our very close friends and family both in Japan and the US, and everybody was so happy for us.

This was my face after I heard the result. Do you think it changed??


So..., I really wanted to share the happy news with you here too, but unfortunately our baby went to the moon at 9 week pregnancy on Aug. 4th which was 2 weeks after May-chan and I came back to MN from Japan.

I'm going to write about the details here, but for now I just wanted to share the fact so that you guys wouldn't have to celebrate it for no reason.

I also want to share my feeling about it here too, but let me tell you that I'm doing both mentally and physically fine and please don't worry about us!

At last, here's the bill of that day. (No insurance coverage)

再診料・・・ 1,250円 / Re-Visit fee 1,250yen=$13ish
検査料・・・1,650円 / Lab fee 1,650yen=$16ish
その他(消費税込み)・・・8,888円 / Other 8,888yen=$90ish

合計・・・11,790円 / Total 11,790yen=$120ish

(They rounded off the last digit of the total.)

Okay, this is how we got to know the result of our 2nd IVF.

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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