Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

20 日本帰国 2022/両親と四条・中編 (20 Japan Trip 2022/A Date with My parents in Shijo 2/3)

2022-09-11 12:20:13 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hi folks!!

How's your day going today?

I've been writing my Kyoto diary for a long time, but here's another one. We stayed there for 2 months, so I have lots of things to share!!

I started writing about the day when Andy, May-chan and I hung around Shijo area with my parents to explore Japanese vintage whiskey or visit our favorite knife shop.

After we got another knife at our favorite knife shop, Tsunehisa, to add our kitchen knife collection, we headed to this place where both Andy and I had really wanted to go before we would restart Andy's whiskey hunt.

My mom was born and grew up in downtown Kyoto, so she's always the one to guide us.

This was the place that Andy and I wanted to go to, Somedonoin, a temple familiar for prayer for safe childbirth and fertility.


初日本旅行 7 (The First Japan Trip 7) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


When Andy went to Japan for the first time and we're hanging out in downtown Kyoto, my mom taught us about the temple and took us there.

May-chan was born in 2018, so it was 3 years before that when we first visited the temple, but we'd been talking, "When we have a girl sometime, let's name her May-chan!" and wrote a wish on a wooden plate on the visit, "May healthy May-chan come to us!"

3 years after the first temple visit, as you guys already know, we thankfully welcomed our healthy and cute daughter. So, Andy and I were saying, "let's go to the temple again so that we can say thank you for May-chan and also pray for another child." from when this Japan trip was booked.

A picture from the first visit in 2015. We both look so young!!

A picture from this visit. I'm really grateful that we could bring May-chan with us. Yeah, the face masks show what a year we'd been through though.

We prayed for another healthy child especially because we were going through another IVF at the time too.

We also had a name for boy, so wrote down his name on the wooden plate too.

Visiting the temple was one of the top things to do on the trip list, so both Andy and I were really happy that we could mark it down.

Okay now, we headed to another liquor shop for Andy's whiskey hunt.

錦 – お酒の美術館

It's so hard to find places selling Japanese vintage whiskeys nowadays, but this shop was a big hit!

Andy found some bottles that he'd been interested in. All the bottles on the shelves were very expensive, so we had to pay extra attention to May-chan's move inside the store. Haha.

Even though Andy finally could find some interesting bottles at the store, the prices were about 2-3 times more expensive than the ones 3 years ago since Japanese whiskey has become very popular in general and also maybe due to the pandemic too.

Andy felt like trying a couple of bottles, but they're too expensive to afford, so we ended up leaving the store with no haul.

Even without any haul, Andy was pleased that he could find rare bottles and check the prices in person, so we ended his whiskey hunt at the store.

Wow, I actually have much more to share about the Shijo walk, so I'll write the rest of it on the next article!

I hope you'll enjoy the next article too!

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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