Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

1 サードステップ・始まり (1 Third Step/The Beginning)

2022-05-10 11:40:20 | 3rdステップ/不妊治療(Infertility Treatment 2)
Hello there!

How's your day going today?

My family is doing pretty well.

I don't remember when I wrote about our infertility treatment last, but let me share some updates of it here today.

I was actually writing this article about how Andy and I were getting prepared for our 2nd IVF as it was happening, but we drastically changed our plan in the middle of process and took a plan B after I finished writing this article.

So, the thing that I wrote here as what we're going to do for our 2nd IVF is not actually what we really chose to do in the end. Though, I already took some effort and time to finish this article and also I think that I can give you more realistic experience to do infertility treatment by sharing the details of our own experience. So, I'll update this article as it was originally written.

I put the title "The 3rd Step" for the series articles about the infertility treatment for our 2nd child.

Okay, from here is the original article.

So, Andy and I started our 2nd IVF treatment from the beginning of this year.


「セカンドステップ・不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment)」のブログ記事一覧-Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

「セカンドステップ・不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment)」のブログ記事一覧です。アメリカのミネソタでワクワクした事を綴っ...

「セカンドステップ・不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment)」のブログ記事一覧-Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I wrote a lot of articles about our 1st AIH and IVF experience which ended up bringing May-chan to us and also the story how we were making decisions to do our 2nd IVF in the series called "Second Step" on this blog.

As for our 2nd IVF treatment, we had to decide if we would do it again with our frozen embryos at the same clinic in Japan where I was pregnant with May-chan or do it from scratch at a clinic in MN. After we considered and learned about what we couldn't control on our own, we decided to start everything over and do another IVF at a clinic here.

There were some reasons why we reached the conclusion. One was that we found out that it's impossible to transfer our frozen embryos from the clinic in Japan to any clinic in MN.
(We found a couple of clinics in CA which might take the embryos, but those clinics are still very far from our house in MN.)

Another reason was that it's very challenging and pretty much impossible for us to go to Japan due to a lot of regulations to enter the country during the pandemic. Even if we could go to Japan, there are so many concerns about the treatment in Japan because we couldn't tell how long we would have to stay there or when we could know about it.

generally in infertility treatment, you have to schedule everything by your menstrual cycle which is not always consistent. Also, it's pretty much a gamble if or when you can get pregnant even in an appropriate treatment. So, you have to wait to book flight tickets or place to stay until the last minute so that you can guess your next menstrual cycle more accurately. Also, you can't know how long you need to book the place to stay at the point when you start the treatment because you never now if you'll get pregnant in the treatment of the cycle or not.
(These uncertain factors were what Andy and I were nervous and worried about when we did our 1st IVF in japan too. Thankfully, I could get pregnant with May-chan on the 1st trial and come back home as quick and smooth as possible at that time. )

The biggest reason why we decided to do an IVF in the US is because the health insurance of Andy's company started covering costs for infertility treatment from this year.

That was also the biggest factor why we did our 1st IVF in Japan.

At the point when we found out that our health insurance would cover an IVF costs here, we're more leaned toward the option to do our 2nd IVF in MN.

After we decided to do our 2nd IVF in MN, we picked up one clinic from what we found on online search and had a counseling with the doctor.


11. 第二子妊活日記、心変わり (11 Infertility Treatment diaries, Changed Our Minds) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


11. 第二子妊活日記、心変わり (11 Infertility Treatment diaries, Changed Our Minds) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


After the first counseling with the clinic, we decided not to do an IVF with them. I wrote about it on this article above.

Then, we went back to our old clinic where we did some AIHs (artificial insemination) in the past.

To be honest with you, I was originally thinking, "We're going to do same things for the treatment, so it's going to be same at any clinics. So, only the costs would slightly vary." but I was totally wrong. When we're done with the first counseling with our old doctor, "Oh my, even if you do a same treatment, it's super important deciding on which doctor to go!"

Okay, this is all for today. I'm still not sure how things will turn out from now, but I'm going to write and record here about our 2nd IVF experience as much as possible just like I did in our 1st IVF.

The 3rd Step has finally started!

I hope that you guys will support us!

Okay, this is all for today! Thank you for reading again!!!


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