Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めいの手遊び歌 2歳半~ (May-chan's singing, 2y6m-)

2021-10-01 10:11:37 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hi everybody!

How are you doing today?


祝・4年振りプレゼント企画(第九弾)(Hit-chan's WakuWaku Present!) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


祝・4年振りプレゼント企画(第九弾)(Hit-chan's WakuWaku Present!) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I'm doing a present event now for the first time in 4 years! Anybody can have a chance to win delicious MN coffee beans, so please feel free to join the event!

Today I'd like to share some recent moving May-chan here.

She's now big enough to run pretty fast, so every time we go for a walk, I have to run to catch up with her too. LOL

She's still been on a lot of screen time, but has learned so many songs both in Japanese and English from YouTube.

So today, I want to share some videos that I could capture the moments of her singing in my camera.

6/22/2021 Obento Song (お弁当の歌)
This is one of very famous kids songs in Japan, "Bento-box Song" It's her favorite and she sings it at least once a day.

She really likes to start from singing it in the normal version (sings in a regular voice), then in the ant version (sings in a high-toned voice) and in the elephant version (sings in a low-toned voice) at last.

6/25/2021 Singing Okina Kuri No Kino Shita De(大きな栗の木の下で歌ってます。)
This is also a famous kids song in Japan. "Under the Big Chestnut Tree"

One night I heard her saying something behind the door after she went to bed, so I tried to listen to what she's saying by the door. Then, she was singing this song so loud in bed. Haha.

9/2/2021 Singing Color Finger Family (色指家族の歌)
This is "Finger Family Song" but she's singing a "Color Finger Family" version which she learned on YouTube. Instead of singing, "Daddy finger, Daddy finger...", she's singing, "Orange finger, Orange finger..." or something with whatever colors she wanted to sing at the time.

What's funny is that she was changing her voice tones depending on the colors.


最近のめい画伯の作品 (Recent May-chan's Art Works) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


最近のめい画伯の作品 (Recent May-chan's Art Works) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


A little while ago, I introduced a couple of May-chan's art works here including Nontan (A Japanese kitty character). She's been still drawing him every single day.

8/30/2021 Drawing Nontan (ノンタンの絵描き歌)
She also learned this song from Nontan's DVD. (You can draw Nontan's face along with the song.) I sang the song for her first, but she's now able to sing the song and draw his face at the same time on her own, which is super cute.

8/16/2021 Rock, Paper, Scissors song(グーチョキパーで何つくろう?)
This is another Japanese kids song. You make different animals or something with the hand shapes of Rock, Paper or Scissors along with the song.

She really loves this song, but if I pick up a different animal from what she'd like to make, for example I say "kitty" when she wants to make "crab" with 2 scissors hands, she gets really upset. Haha.

BTW, thanks to the modern technology, it's super easy for me to keep recording May-chan's voice or moves anytime at the age, which I'm very grateful for.

Recently, she tends to stop doing what she's doing once I take my camera out, but I still do want to keep shooting as many videos as possible when I have a chance so that I can have her growth diaries in movies.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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