Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めいちゃんの初日本 vol.19 (May-chan's 1st Japan Trip 19)

2020-02-27 14:28:41 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hello everyone!

How's your day going today?

Okay, this is vol.18 of the Japan trip diaries.

So, there are some things that I always want to do when I go back to Japan, and one of them is buying lots of Japanese books and shipping them to MN home.

This is kind of weird and interesting, but I didn't read books at all when I lived in Japan. Though, I started craving Japanese letters after I moved to the US, and now I read book in bed every single night.

So, I wanted to buy lots of books for my self and also for May-chan this time, so while I was in Japan, I constantly placed orders for a couple of books online at a time and packed them in a box. Then, I decided to ship them about a week beofre the last day in Japan.

On the beautiful day, I went to ship 2 heavy boxes full of books.

When you want to ship a lot of books from Japan to the US, there's a paticular service called "Special Mailbags for Printed Matter" and I think it's the ceapest option as far as I know. Tough, the service is available only at certain locations, and there are only 3 post offices available for the service in Kyoto.

Luckily, the post office in front of Kyoto station does the service, and I always ship my books from the post office.

So, whatt's the biggest challenge for me to ship those 2 heavy boxes was that how I carry them from my parents house to the post office by Kyoto station. First off, I thought that it'd be impossible to move by train with those 2 heavy boxes and May-chan all by myself. So, I was going to ask my family to come along with us and call a taxi.

Though, I'm blessed again. My sister, Skatch and her boy friend, N-san offered to carry the 2 boxes to the post office for me. They moved the boxed from my parents house to N-san's house by car on the day before and then on the next day, carried them from his house to the post office by bus which directly ran to Kyoto station from near his house. Yeah, it's a lot of work even for them, and I really appreciate the big help.

So, May-chan, me and my other sister, Switch went to Kyoto station by train as usual on the day.

While I was taking care of the shipping stuff at the post offce counter, Switch, Skatch and N-san actually watched May-chan outside, which was very helpful for me too.

After I could get everything done well at the post office...,

we headed to AEON mall near Kyoto station. Just as you can see it in the picture above, N-san was pushing May-chan's stroller and Skatch was walking by him, so they looked like May-chan's dad&mom. LOL

So, we had planned to go to the mall on the day beforehand, so I asked them to have lunch together at the restaurant that I had been interested in.

Komeda Coffee

I got to know about the cafe restaurant through a YouTube video and thought, "Oh, it looks so delicious!!" Haha

They had many kinds of sandwiches.

We decided to share some things together.

This is what I wanted to try.

One of their featured menu, pork cutlet with Miso sauce.

Shrimp cutlet sandwich.

I think this is what Swich wanted to try. Gratin.

Of course, I ordered their coffee too.

It might be hard to tell from the pictures, but their sandwiches were pretty big and enough for 4 adults.

It's really nice to eat and share with them since I can try more different kinds at once.

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for carrying the heavy boxes and hanging out with us again!!

I brought some snacks and bought bread for May-chan at the restaurant, so she enjoyed eating them.

May-chan was fine with sitting in the stroller for a while, but...

she wanted to get out after, so I let her play on the floor like this.

Switch&Skatch ordered this sweet drink as dessert too.

After we had the delicious lunch, we just walked and browsed in the mall.

At this shop, we found this fancy make-up mirror with LED lights. (I don't do make up and need such a fancy mirror, but my twins were very interested in it.)

After we did some window-shopping, May-chan&I and Skatch decided to go home, and Skatch and N-san wanted to keep haning out in downtown Kyoto, so we said good-bye at the mall.

Okay then, I actually realized that I made a huge mistake after I got back home.

A couple of days before the day, I ordered a T-shirt for mom (Andy's mom) as a Christmas gift online.

I could have chosen an option to ship it home, but I thought, "Oh, I'm gonna go to the mall in a couple of days, so why don't I pick it up at the store in the mall?" and chose to pick up my order at the mall.

And then..., as you'd probably know it already, I completely forgot about the order and went back home without anything in my hands.

It's really a lot of work to go out to Kyoto station with May-chan, so when I remembered about the order at home, I was kind of in a panic like "OMG! What should I do now??"

I talked to Swich about it, and then she called Skatch right away and said,

"Hey, I have a huge favor for you. Hit-chan forgot to pick up her order at the store in the mall today. Can you go back there and get it for her?? I'll treat you anything you want!!"

Yup, Switch talked as if it was her own favor and took care of it for me.

Even though Skatch and N-san was having a fun date in down town Kyoto, but they generously went back to the mall just for me and picked up my order there.

Anyways, I ended up making my sisters and N-san work so much for me on the day. Of course, I really appreciated them but at the same time, felt so bad too.

Still, I had a great time with my loved ones and could finish a couple of the chores on the day thanks to everyone's big help. So, overall, it was a very fun day for me.

Oh yeah, the 2 boxes that I shipped on the day were delivered here on Christmas! So, they're like my Christmas gift.

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading again!!!

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