Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

新居のあれこれ。(Miscellaneous things about our new home)

2012-08-30 03:30:39 | MN生活(3年目) (MN 2012-13)
Hi there.

How's it going?

I'm doing well as usual.

I'm off today, but a pluming(?) guy is coming over to our house and replacing our old water heater now. (It's older than Andy.)

Here in the US, generally, we have a big water heater at home and it produces hot water for shower and what not.

我が家は井戸から水を引いているので、Water softener(硬水軟化剤)を入れたタンクもありまして、それも含めた交換となるので、結構な長時間作業になるみたいです。(プラス、工事費も高い。)
Our house water comes from a well and we need a water softener tank as well. So, we're replacing our old water softener besides the water heater. So, the construction takes a lot time and costs much too.

Well, because I'm working at Caribou, my off days are usually one weekday and one Saturday or Sunday, so it's always on my off day when someone comes to fix something at home.

So, it feels a little bit unfair that I always have to deal with it on my off day.

When Andy asks me "Honey, when is your weekday off next week?" or something, it's always when he asks me to do something like that.

Today, I'm at home alone and the pluming guy's taking care of our water heater, but it's somehow uncomfortable to me.

Isn't is uncomfortable to stay at your house just with someone you don't know so much???

Also, even if the man asks me something, I'm not sure if I can answer it as well.

Anyways, I'm complaining about it a lot, but Andy's been dealing with everything like calling, making an appointment, explaining our situation..., so I shouldn't nag him so much since my job is just staying at home. Sorry!

By the way, the guy doing our stuff is really outgoing and he's working as whistling in the basement now. I'm glad that he's nice.

Speaking of unpacking, we're not done it at all. We kind of have stopped since we moved 2 big couches in our living room. Hehe.

It's been about 1month since we moved, so we should get up and move all the things in the garage in the house now.

We both are slow starters and tend to be lazy even when we both are off. Hehe.

After we got some things we really need for life, we're like "We don't have a problem, so it's fine."

Even when we finally tried to put our kitchen table parts together the other day, we realized one of the parts was missing and couldn't set it up.

So..., the unfinished table has been sitting in the kitchen still...

I assume that the part is somewhere in the garage for sure, but it's so hard to find only the part in a bunch of other stuff.

Andy's talking that he's going to smoke ribs for his dad's belated birthday at our house this weekend, so we have to clean up everything by then.

So, anyways, this is about our still uncleaned new house lately.

It's been 4hours since the construction started. I hope it'll end so soon.

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