Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

もしかして、これを待っていたのかな? (Have we been waiting for this??)

2021-11-10 08:34:28 | 3rdステップ/不妊治療(Infertility Treatment 2)
Hello folks!

How's everything going in your life?

So, you'd probably know this if you've been reading my blog for a couple of years at least, but Andy and I did IVF in Japan in 2018 and luckily had May-chan on the first try.

May-chan's turning 3 less in a month, and Andy and I have been talking, "We should think about having another child soon." in the last year or so.

From our past experience that we have done an insemination 7 times, we don't have much expectation in getting pregnant naturally this time either. So, we're thinking, "It's super sweet if we get pregnant naturally, but we might as well get things ready for doing an IVF again."


1 第二子妊活日記、二つの案 (1 Infertility treatment diaries, Two ideas) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


1 第二子妊活日記、二つの案 (1 Infertility treatment diaries, Two ideas) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I talked about our plan to have our second child on this article, but we've been stuck.


コロナ禍での帰国の難しさ (Difficulties to Go to Japan in the Pandemic) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


コロナ禍での帰国の難しさ (Difficulties to Go to Japan in the Pandemic) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


We'd decided to go to Japan and do another IVF at the same clinic where we did for having May-chan, but everything's been kind of stuck because of the pandemic.

I mentioned this in the past article about my fertility treatment history, but whenever things do go smoothly as I want it to be, I personally take that, "The way or the timing that I'm trying to do it is not best."

Our original plan, which we would import our embryos from Japan to MN, turned out to be impossible and our second plan, which we do an IVF in Japan again, has been suspended due to COVID-19, but "Oh, there's probably a better way or timing for us. Now would not be the time." Andy and I didn't get disappointed or frustrated too much.

Anyways, we'd been just waiting and seeing how things are going to change, mainly about COVID-19 situation, and believe it or not, there's a big announcement from Andy's company recently.

The announcement was "The company is going to begin to cover the costs for IVF up to $30,000"

Wow!!! It perfectly meets the need of us!!

The main reason why we tried an IVF in Japan for the first time was the cost for the treatment in the US was about 5-6 times as much as it was in Japan. (In my experience) So, we chose to do an IVF in Japan if we would have to pay as much cost as we had to pay for the treatment in the US because we could have a great time with our family and friends in Japan whether the IVF would work out or not anyways.

I don't think that there's a big difference between 1st child and 2nd child in what you need to do in the treatment itself, but arranging all the schedule is very challenging in infertility treatment in general, so when it comes to having May-chan with us this time, it's going to be harder to arrange everything in my calendar following the treatment schedule.

I remember that I had a frustrating time when I was planning the trip plan last time because I had to wait until the last moment to book a place to stay, flight tickets and etc... so that I could schedule a date following my menstrual cycle as precise as possible.

From that perspective, once the financial challenge is taken cared of, it's way easier and more convenient for us to do the treatment here in the US. We can stay at our sweet home and won't have to worry if we'd have to expand the lease of a play to stay or something depending how the treatment turns out.

So, Andy and I talked and reached the conclusion that we're going to start trying an IVF here in MN if we won't get naturally pregnant by January.

Still, we also want to visit my family and friends in Japan once the pandemic is over.

We can spend the budget which was supposed to be paid for the treatment on the trip instead. Besides that, Andy was going to work from Japan if we stay there for a longer time because of the treatment, but he wouldn't have to do that without the treatment and could use his time more flexibly and easily.

Honestly speaking, I still don't know how the things would go from now on yet. Though, when I heard the announcement from Andy's company, "Wait a sec, did all the postponement happen to make us wait for this announcement??" I kind of thought that way.

Anyways, just like I talked, the plan to have our 2nd child has finally started moving again.

Once we start the treatment, I want to share my experience here like just as I did when we had May-chan since it might help somebody somewhere.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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