Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

2 コロナでちょっと困っている事 (What's difficult for me in the Pandemic)

2021-08-30 08:01:07 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hi there!

How's everything going in your life?


一難去ってまた一難 (One after another...) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


一難去ってまた一難 (One after another...) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


On this article that I wrote about a month ago, I said that the filling in the innermost molar was gone and the tooth had cavity too.

On Aug. 8th, I finally could see my dentist, but on the appointment, she just check the bad tooth and told me how to take care of it on the next appointment.

Right after the first appointment, Andy made another appointment for me as arranging his work schedule. Then, the earliest date that they suggested was today, Aug.30th, which is almost 3 weeks after the first appointment!

Still, I'm so happy that they're going to fix the tooth finally! It took more than I expected it would!

Honestly, I was too scared to chew things on the right side when I found out the big hole in the tooth, but besides time passed by, my dentist told me that it's fine to chew on the right side on the first appointment. So, after that, I switched to use both sides as normal. (Still, I avoided chewing something hard on the right side.)

The tooth problem has been kind of annoying, so I'm so excited to finally get it fixed and remove what I've been worried for a month from my head.

So, I talked about a challenge that I have in the pandemic on the last article.

Today I want to talk about another challenge that I have due to COVID-19 here.

I said that the trip to Japan has become super hard for us since the pandemic broke out on the last article. And the one that I'm going to talk about today is also related to that.

So, the second challenge for me in the pandemic is to renew my passport. My passport expires in November, but the process to renew it has become very tiresome in the pandemic.

Usually, some staff of Consulate of Japan in Chicago come and open a temporary office here in MN a few times a year. So, you can mail all the documents to renew your passport to the Chicago office beforehand and pick up your new passport at the temporary office whenever they come to your state.

Though, they've decided not to open a temporary office for a while due to COVID-19, which means you have to go and pick up your new passport at their office in Chicago.
(As for US passports, you can receive your passport via mail, but for Japanese passports, you have to be present to receive your passport including newborn babies.)

I've been thinking how I want to deal with this chore for a while and came up with some ideas such as, "Do I fly there by myself and come back on the same day??" or "Do I have Andy and May-chan come along with me??" but I haven't got an answer yet.
(FYI, it's about 6 hour drive or 1.5 hour flight from MN to Chicago.)

Andy probably worried about me or something and didn't like the idea that I'm going by myself, but "Can we do 7-8 hour drive with our hyper 2-year-old??" we don't know if the other idea is smart or not yet.

Andy once brought this idea, "What about we ask Dad&Mom to watch May-chan overnight and we go there only with us?", and it made me feel like, "Oh then, August is our anniversary month, so we could make the trip to Chicago for anniversary too!"

I thought that it was a great idea to make the trip itself to celebrate our anniversary, but Andy and I had the idea around the time when the COVID-19 case number was getting less, which made us start thinking, "It might end sometime soon. Though, the case number got increased again because of Delta variant after that, so we've postponed to make a decision about the chore so far.

To be frank with you, I don't use my Japanese passport here in the US, so even if my passport expires, my daily life won't change at all.

Still, I personally want to go to Japan to see my family and friends whenever I have a chance and besides that, what if "I wanna go there tomorrow!" I need to see my family at short notice, I can't make it happen without a passport. So, I want to keep my passport available anytime.

Writing about my passport somehow reminded me about this question which I've been asked several times before. The question is if I'd want to obtain US citizenship or not. Honestly speaking, if you're going to live in the US for the rest of your life, things would go more easily in many situations with citizenship since you don't have to pay money to renew your green card or file extra paper work for things like social security etc...

Though, Japanese government doesn't allow you to have dual-citizenship, so I have to abandon my Japanese citizenship to obtain American citizenship.

I live in the US for 11 yeas, but my fundamental identity is still Japanese and I'm not comfortable to abandon my Japanese citizenship yet. I don't think that my daily life would change so much just because I become a US citizen, but you know, I'm not mentally ready yet and I don't know if I will be sometime.

What if Japanese government allow me to have dual-citizenship? I'd definitely love to get US citizenship with no hesitation.

Anyways, what I wanted to talk here today was the pandemic has set a very high bar for renewing my passport. Still, I'll try to figure out the best way with Andy's assistance.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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