Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めいちゃんの初日本 vol.20 (May-chan's 1st Japan Trip 20)

2020-02-29 17:14:49 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hello there!

How are you doing today?

Okay, this is vol.20 of the Japan diaries.

I talked about this here the other day, but I worked at a restaraunt as a kitchen staff for some months before I moved to MN.

At the time, I had applied for a fiance visa and was waiting for the approval. Though, you don't know how long it will take to get your visa approval in general, and my case was not an exception either. So, I started the part time job at the restaurant in the mall near my parents' house since I didn't want to wait without doing anything until my visa got approved.

It was only for 6 months or so that I worked at the restaurant, but I'm still friends with Kasuga-san who I used to work together with at the time.

We had a lunch date when I was in Japan for IVF too, so it was very natural for us to set up another lunch date this time again. So, we ended up hanging out and had a great time together twice while I was in Japan.

When we had the first lunch date, Kasuga-san showed up with a white bandage on her hand and looked so painful. So, I asked her what happened, and she said, "Oh well, I actually fell off my bike on my way home from work last night!" Oh, poor K-san!!!

I was super suprised and asked, "Are you really okay??" Then, she said, "Yeah, I'm hanging in there somehow. When I fell off, I was saying to myself, OMG! I gotta see Hit-chan tomorrow!!!! Haha"

That's why I didn't take pictures at the time. Though, K-san was recovered pretty well when we had the 2nd lunch date, and I remembered to take some picutres then.

We met up at the mall near my parents' house again.

It's really convenient for both of us since I could get there by one bus line, and Kasuga-san also works there almost everyday.

Of course, I brought May-chan with me too. So, I decided to get there a little early and let May-chan play at the free kids area.

Then, we met up with Kasuga-san and went to this Japanese restaurant again. K-san actually works at the restaurant, and it was the 2nd time for me to eat there during the stay in Japan.

I wrote about the lunch date with my twins at the same restaurant on this article and I mentioned this, but Kasuga-san and I used to work together at the restaurant.

Though, they moved and transformed the restaurant to a completely different style after I quit, so it's pretty much a different restaurant from what I worked at.

"I had much pain to walk last time but I'm doing much better today!" by K-san. "Oh, it's really good!" by Hit-chan.

I ordered this meal lunch. I chose this one because I thought that May-chan might want to eat the fries.

When May-chan was fussy in a public area like on a train, I always let her play with my watch. So, I assume that she was a little fussy when I took this picture.

Yeah, she must have been sleepy. Haha.

Kasuga-san told me, "Our current manager is still very young, but she's really hardworking and great." and luckily, I could meet the manager for the first time. She looked really young and cute.

I used to work at the restaurant for a little bit and know that a restaurant manager in general is required a lot both in mental and physical ways. Thouh, Kasuga-san said that her boss always shared her happy energy and worked hard even without showing tough parts of her position. (That's really amazing!!)

Kasuga-san actually had talked about me to the wonderful manager, and she actually came to the table and greeted me, "Oh, I heard a lot about you!"

And what a happy surprise!! She treated us to after-lunch coffee with her pocket money!! (Thanks!!)

After the wonderful lunch, Kasuga-san said, "I couldn't hang out with you long becuase my legs hurt from the bike fall last time, but I'm doing much better. So, let's go to get some clothes for May-chan today!"

Kasuga-san generously bought May-chan some clothes at the time, and I put them on her very often now.

The pants are the one of the clothes from Kasuga-san. They're pretty thick and warm, so I usually put them on May-chan when we go out.

Kasuga-san and I worked together only for some months, but thankfully, our friendship lasts much longer than that.

Kasuga-san was always energetic and happy from when we used to work together, but she's just the same as before though I was really worried about the bike fall. Just by having a fun time with such a cheerful lady, I could receive a lot of happy energy from her.

At last, the wonderful manager kindly took a picture of us. Thank you!

Kasuga-san was saying that it's only 2 years left to retire the job, so I do want to go back to Japan before she retires and have a fun lunch at the restaurant again.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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