Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めいちゃんの初日本 vol.17 (May-chan's 1st Japan Trip 17)

2020-02-21 15:44:51 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hello there!

How's your day going today?

Okay, here's vol.17 of the Japan trip diaries.

So, I have some friends who I want to see whenever I have a chance to go back to Japan, and 3 friends of my mother's are ones of those.

Back then, when my siblings and I were going to kindergarten, my mom and the 3 ladies met as mom friends through the same kinder, and they still hang out sometimes now more than 3 decades after.

So, the 3 ladies literally have known how I grew up ever since I was in my mom's belly.

I tried to set up a day to see them during the trip so that I could introduce May-chan to them. Unfortunately, I couldn't see them all together at once, but still could see them individually.

On this day, May-chan, my mom and I went out to Fushimi area to see one of the 3 ladies, Mishina-san.

I was actually worried if we would really make the date happen since my mom physically has had good and bad days due to her medical issues, and Mishina-san wasn't actually in the best condition either at the time. Thankfully, both Mishina-san and my mom were fine, and we could have the date as scheduled.

Ote Suji street

Nobody was hungry at the time, and it's more work to do to eat at a restaurant with May-chan, so I suggested, "Why don't we go to a park or somewhere and talk?" Then, my mom said, "There's a free public space in a city facility nearby." and guided us there.

Nice to meet you, Mishina-san!

As you can see it in the picture above, there's desent room for May-chan to crawl and stand, which made her more active amd happy.

Look at this smile. Haha.

It was the first time meeting with Mishina-san, but May-chan didn't get shy with her at all.

Yup, May-chan's comfortable to be held by Mishina-san like this too.

We chatted for a while at the free space and then decided to head back home before Mishina-san and my mom got too tired.


On the way to see Mishina-san leave from the train station, we stopped by a toy store, and she bought a misic toy for May-chan. Of course, I brought the toy back to MN, May-chan loved to play with it for a while. Though, I lost it when we went up north for a family vacation.

Needless to say, we called the hotel that we stayed at the time and asked if they found the toy in the room, but they didn't find it. (Sorry, Mishina-san!)

Anyways, I'm so glad that both Mishina-san and my mom were doing fine and I could introduce May-chan to Mishina-san on the trip.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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