Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

幼児クラス2回目 (2nd Toddler Class)

2020-02-17 11:20:47 | めいちゃん (May-chan)

How's your day going today?

So, the other day, I talked that May-chan and I are going to the local todder class.

Today, I want to share the 2nd class.

In the 1st class, May-chan cried hard when she entered the room, but she was fine this time maybe because we're the first to get to the room.

She started playing with the train toys again just like she did in the 1st class.

While she was playing wiht the train toys, other kids arrived the class, and what's interesting was that May-chan was so friendly and went to a couple of kids as greeting, "Ah, Ah." and tried to touch their faces.

In the 1st class, she was playing by herself most of the time and didn't play with other kids so much, so it was very new to me to see her trying to communicate with other kids from her.
(I'm a super shy person, but Andy's very social. So, May-chan prubably took it after her daddy.)

Last time, she played only with the train toys, but this time, she could see the entire room and find other toys too.

She drew and...

colored. (The boy coloring together drank the water for washing the brush, so his mom was kind of freaked out. Haha.)

There were more mobile toys in the aisle outside the room, so...

May-chan tried to crawl through the tunnel and...

did the slide for the very first time in her life.

May-chan is actually the youngest in the class and what's very interesting for me is that she tried to follow and imitate what the older kids were doing. So, she learned how to crawl through the tunnel or go on the slide just by watching other kids.

I heard that kids who have a older sibling learn things more quickly than only child do, and it seemed very true to me after I watched May-chan in the class that day.

After a circle time, we had a snack time, and I left the kids' room and moved to the next room while May-chan was into eating the snack just as the last time.

Though, I heard her crying so hard 5 mins after, and then an assistant teacher came in to the moms' room with May-chan in her arms.

In the last class, May-chan cried a little bit and came to the moms' room in the separation time, but she could return to the kids' room and played there until the moms' meeting was over. Though, on the day, she didn't want to leave me at all and stayed in the moms' room with me for the entire separeation time.

Just like I talked, May-chan's behaivors during the separation time between the 1st time and the 2nd time were pretty different, and I was a little bit surprised.

In the moms' meeting, we had a new member and introduced each other again.

The new mom actually had her 2nd baby just 3 weeks before and brought the baby to the class too.

She said that it's the first time to get out of her house after the baby was born. (No surprise.)

I even couldn't think about going somewhere only 3 weeks after May-chan was born, so her story made me have big respect in her.

I bet that life with a 1 year old and a newborn baby would be hectic, but I imagined that she wanted to get out of the house not to keep the big brother bored too.

I had to hold May-chan most of the meeting time that day and couldn't join the conversation much, but it was very helpful that I could ask the teacher and other moms a question and get some answeres for it.

Except for the separation time, this little girl was having much fun in the class, which made her mommy happy too.

Okay, this is all about the 2nd toddler class. Thank you for reading again!!!

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