Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めいちゃんの初日本 vol.14 (May-chan's 1st Japan Trip 14)

2020-02-13 14:11:25 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hi there!

How's your day going today?

Here's the vol.14 of the Japan trip diaries.

In the beginning of October when the half of the stay was over, May-chan and I went to the mall which we could go just by one bus trip from my parents' house. This time, my twin sisters came along with us too.

Cheese! while waiting for the bus.

Uniqlo shop which I wanted to look.

On the mall date, Skatch's boyfriend N-san, his nephew and his mom gathered us too.

I heard that Skatch and N-san's family had been so close before, but it's kind of funny to her fit the family so well like a real family member.

After we browsed the Uniqlo store, it's around lunch time, so we decided to grab something to eat.

We picked this Japanese restaurant since N-san's mom's favorite.

In fact, this restaurant was the one that I used to work at for a little bit.

Though, it used to be more a western style restaurant when I worked there, but they moved the location in the mall and transformed to a Japanese restaurant, so the menu is completely diffrerent from the one of the old restaurant.

Switch's meal?

Skatch's meal?

This is mine for sure. I thought that I could give May-chan some of the white rice too.

Thanks my girls for hanging out with me every time I come back!

She ate some white rice from my meal and also some of her baby snacks that I brought with me.

After the delicious dinner, we kept shopping.

My twins said that they wanted to find something for their friend's birthday, so we stopped by this gift shop.

I was actually going to hang out with my friend who's having her birthday soon too, so I also looked for something nice for her birthday present too.

While my twins and I were walking around the store...,

N-san was kindly watching May-chan and his nephew together at the toy section. (Thank you so much!!)

May-chan enjoyed playing with this xylophone toy.

Thanks to N-san for watching May-chan for a while, I could take enough time to look around the entire store and find a couple of nice things for my friend's birthday. Besides my friend's BD present, I also find this.

Dish wash sponge!

This brand is actually what I saw on a Japanese TV show and had wanted to try it for a while, and then I could find it at the store. I've been using the sponge at home in MN and I just love it!! (I'm going to buy one again on the next trip for sure.)

After everybody got nice things at the store, we went to this kids space in the mall since N-san nicely let me know about it.

I thought that she might be scared of being near the older kids running around so wildly, but you'd probably know from this picture, May-chan was having much fun with playing at the space and even trying to chase after the older kids too. LOL

When we had enough fun time at the kids space, Switch, May-chan and I decided to go back to my parents' house and Skatch wanted to stay with N-san's family.

So, we were going to take a bus back home from the mall, but N-san nicely gave us a ride to my parents' house though he had to have his family wait for him to be back at the mall.
(N-san's car already had a child seat installed, so May-chan could ride on his car.)

Oh well, when N-san dropped us off at my parernts' house, Switch and I couldn't help saying, "Yeah, a car ride is much easier than a bus."

Okay, this is all about the fun mall date. Thanks for reading again!!!

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