Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めいちゃんの初日本 vol.11 (May-chan's 1st Japan Trip 11)

2020-02-05 11:21:12 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hi everyone!

How are you doing today?

Thankfully, everybody in my family is doing very well, but May-chan's phisically grown up more and now can climb up on a dining chair. Yeah, it means pretty much imposibble for me to touch my lap top while she's awake now.

Okay, this is vol.11 of the Japan trip diaries.

Slightly before I decided to go to Japan with May-chan, my ex co-worker and current precious friend, Fuji-san, sent me the link to this news.

そのある事というのか、Hit-chanの故郷である京都にHard Rock Cafe(ハードロックカフェ)が新しくオープンするというニュース!
The news was actually that a new Hard Rock Cafe restaurant was going to be open in my hometown, Kyoto!

If you've been my blog fan, you'd probably know this too, but I'm a big? collector of Hard Rock Cafe's clothes.

It's pretty much same as the Starbucks' local mugs, and Hard Rock Cafe makes clothes printed the city name of the location too. So, I've collected their T-shirts or hoodies from different locations, and Andy's supported to expand my collection by getting their product when he traveled for work and found a Hard Rock Cafe there.

Anyways, since I heard the great news from Fuji-san, I'd added this wish on my list, "I'm gonna go and buy more clothes at the Hard Rock Cafe in Kyoto whenever I can go back to Japan!! And I got a chance in the end of September.

My mom and sister1, Switch, nicely came along with me. (Yeah, I know my selfie skill is aweful. Haha)

We're supposed to take a bus and a train to the Hard Rock Cafe, but this unexpected announcement was made right after we had a seat on the train.

"There was an accident with a person at XX station. We don't know when we can restart the operations at this point. It'll probably take quite a bit."


We actually waited on the train for 5mins or so, but it didn't seem that it's going to resume the service sometime soon, so we decided to take a taxu from the station instead.

Of course, some people thought about the same thing, and there was a long line for taxy in front of the station. (I said a long line, but I mean there were 5-6 groups ahead of us.)

I actually felt so bad for the non-Japanese couple waiting for a taxi right in front of us because they're carrying a couple of big suitcases and didn't completely understand what was going on at the point.

From the conversation between them, I could tell, "Oh, they must be worried and want to know what's really going on." So, I asked them, "Are you guys alright?" just in case.

Then, they seemed like, "Oh, she can speak English!" and be relieved too, and what's easy for me was that they gave me a couple of specific questions and I could answer them as much as possible.

It's not hard for me to imagine that it'd be scary for you to get involved in such an unexpected situation in a foreign country and a different language. So, I'm glad that I could help to reduce their anxiety even a little bit.

Anyways, we took some extra time to catch a taxi but safely got to the Hard Rock Cafe before it got too late.

At the destination, we gathered with my mom's best friend, M-san.
(She said that her train was also affected by the accident and had to take a different route to get to the Hard Rock Cafe too. Thanks!)

The Hard Rock Cafe in Kyoto was in a really Japanese style.

The main reason for me there was the gift shop, but it was just around lunch time, and we decided to grab something to eat together at the restaurant.

I've collected their clothes, but it'd been a very long time since the last time I ate at a Hard Rock Cafe, and I even don't remember when it was.

Thanks to Switch for holding the menu for me.

I think that this sushi roll was sold only at the restaurant in Kyoto.

Onion rings

Switch said, "I've been really into steak lately!", so we ordered steak for our entree to share.


May-chan was a little bit fussy at the restaurant.

Thanks everyone for coming along with me!

About 90$ of the people eating at the restaurant were non-Japanese probably because it's Kyoto, a very touristic place, and maybe because it's Hard Rock Cafe too.

After the nice lunch, I got bunch of T-shirts and hoodies for me and Andy at the gift shop, of course.

I was super happy about the shopping there, but there's just one too bad thing was that I forgot to bring my passport with me. If I did, I could have got tax exemption. Dang!

The Japanese goverment actually just raised tax from 8% to 10% a couple of days before, so it could've been a big saving, but you know, with the 10month old, my brain didn't think that far when I left home.

Still, I was totally satisfied that I could get thier Kyoto original design T-shirt and some other stuff for both of Andy and me.

Anyways, I was super happy that I could go to the Hard Rock Cafe in Kyoto which was one of a few places where I wanted to go on this Japan trip.

On the way back home, the train service was back to normal.

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading again!!!

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