Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

我が家の独立記念日当日 (Our Independent Day 2021)

2021-07-07 07:43:15 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hello everyone!

How are you doing today?

So, 4th of July was Independent day here in the US.

In Japan, we have National Foundation Day in February in Japan instead of Independence day, but only some very patriotic people would put up a national flag or visit a shrine on the day. I assume that most of people would just enjoy the day like other holidays by hanging out somewhere or just relaxing at home.

実は最初この記事を書いた時、日本の建国記念日をIndependence Dayって訳していたんですが、その後にミネソタブロ友である怪人さんのブログを読んでいて、日本の建国記念日ってNational Foundation Dayって訳すのが正解だという事を学びました。
To be honest with you, I had misunderstood that we also had Independence day in Japan until I read my friend, Kaijin-san's blog. Yeah, just as Kaijin-san said on her blog, the holiday we celebrate in Japan similar to Independence day should be translated to National Foundation Day, which is because our country actually has never been colonized or something in the long history. (Thanks to Kaijin-san, I learned something new again.)

Compared to National Foundation Day in Japan, on Independence day here in America, people gather to enjoy BBQ and drinking with their family, and do fireworks at night is really popular too.

A lot of people are dressed up in patriotic fashion too. In the US, it's not unusual to see people wear clothes with the national flag design, red, white and blue, on daily life, but in Japan, it's even challenging to find clothes with the Japanese national flag design, the red circle on white, sold in stores.

Anyways, today I want to share how Andy, May-chan I spent the independence day this year. We're planning to get together with Dad&Mom and Brad up north this week, which is 1 week after the independence day, so on the actual independence day, we just spent the day as our usual weekend day just with 3 of us.

The independence day this year was on Sunday, so Andy kindly watched May-chan by himself in the morning so that I could sleep in as long as I wanted, which was same as our usual weekend.

When I woke up, there's nobody in the house, so I assumed that Andy had taken May-chan out somewhere.

In 10mins or so after I got up, Andy and May-chan returned home, and I saw this May-chan's clothes of the day.

Oh! Nice, Andy! He already had put the perfect clothes for the day on May-chan in the morning.

May-chan actually got this outfit from Kaijin-san, who's the friend I just talked about above, 3 years ago. It looked like this when I put them on May-chan 3 years go. She even didn't walk at the time.

The outfit is actually for 12months, but as you see it in the picture above, they perfectly fit 2-and-a-half-year old May-chan.

May-chan is smaller than the average size of the same age kids in the US, but it was still surprising for me that the outfit for 12months perfectly fit her at the age of 30months. That made me wonder how big other American babies were?? LOL

BTW, Andy was off, but on-call, and he unluckily got a call and had to take care of the problem. Thank you for always working hard for us.

So, though Andy already had taken May-chan to a park in the morning, "I'm gonna take her out to a park again." he nicely said. I knew that he was trying to give me some more Me-time, but "Oh, I'm coming too!" I decided to join them.

We went to our favorite park which had a lot of shades, but the day was extremely hot! The temperature was about 92F, but it was too humid for me to even sweat.

May-chan's recently been into swing, maybe only swing, at parks. So, she wanted to sit on the swing almost for the entire time that day as well. She got crazy upset once I stopped pushing her, so Andy and I took turns to keep pushing her. (Sigh...I know, she's so spoiled.)

We brought a basketball, which Andy and I had wanted for a while, and played at the basketball court next to the park.

From the experience so far, both Andy and I expected that May-chan would be excited to see us playing with the basketball, but in the reality, all she wanted to do was swing and kept bugging us by saying, "I want to do swing, I want to do swing!" So, I ended up pushing her swing, which was not what I had planned.

At last, May-chan also tried the big-girl swing too. "I do swing!", she has a hard time to do something else but swing, but she can leave the park without any problem when I tell her, "Okay, let's go home when we're done 10 more times, okay?", which was very helpful and easy.

Again, it was super hot and humid. There's kind of strong wind, but it didn't help cooling us at all. So, we ended up playing at the park about 1 hour or so and returned back home.

I think that this is a typical challenge for all the parents, but if you want to give your spouse some Me-time, you have to watch your kid during the time and if you want have some Me-time, your spouse needs to take care of your kid during the time as well.

So, Andy and I don't go to parks together like this so frequently like this.

Even though, we're also saying, "We wanna have some family time!" lately, so I was very glad that we finally could make the plan happen.

I forgot to take pictures, but I came up with doing Korean BBQ for dinner in the afternoon and enjoyed it at night.

Again, Korean BBQ is super delicious, isn't it? We all loved the independence day dinner.

Just as I said first on this article, we're planning to get together with Dad&Mom and Brad for belated independence day and family vacation this week, so I'd love to write about it here too.

Okay, this is all about how we spent the independence day this year!

Thank you for reading again!!!

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