Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

5週目・7週目検診 (Check-up at week5 & week7)

2018-05-31 17:34:38 | 妊娠記録 (Maternity Diary)

How are you doing?

I've been back to work only twice a week since 2 weeks ago and haven't got morning sickness that bad so far, so I've been doing well.

Though, I still get to feel like "Oh....I don't have much energy...." pretty often. I was going to get a lot of chores and cleanings done by now especially because I'm 5 days off every week, but I haven't been able to make so much progress so far and it's a little bit irritating.

My hubby, Andy's been really supportive and understanding to me and even when I get lazy all day long at home and don't get any chore done, he says

"Don't worry. I can do that too."

Yeah, he's so sweet! (Thank you!!)

My plan is that I'm going to get the baby room ready by November and plus that, I also want to make the guest bed room better since my mom in Japan is willing to come to MN to help us taking care of our baby too.

Also, there are some places in the house that I've postponed taking care of because I was busy or whatnot, so I do want to finish those projects by November too!!


So, on the last article of Second Step Series, I announced that I fortunately could get pregnant after the first IVF.

From today, I added a new category, "Maternity Diaries" and want to keep record of my maternity life here.

2 weeks after the exciting pregnancy test, I went to the clinic for the check up. I was 5 week pregnant at that time.

After Andy left Japan, my mom came along with me for the clinic appointments.

On that day, we had a quick verbal check up and ultra sound.

To be honest, even after my pregnancy test turned to be positive, I couldn't feel it real so much. My breast got so sore, but it wasn't enough to make me feel like "Oh, a baby is in my belly!" or something. So, I always wondered if there's really a baby in my belly.

Then, my doctor did ultra sound for me and...

we could see the fetal sac.

And 2 weeks after the appintment on April 16th, at week 7 of my pregnancy, my mom and I went to the clinic for another check up. Again, it was just a quick verbal check up and ultra sound.

Then, we could see something tiny!! LOL

What's better is we could hear the baby's strong heartbeat too! The wave on the pic is it.

Like I said first on thie article, I hadn't got morning sickness so much and couldn't feel it real so much. Though, on this day, I could see something so tiny moving so active and hear the strong heartbeat which made me moved and feel "Oh, a baby is definitely in my belly!"

Okay, this is all about week5 & week7 check ups. Thanks for reading again!!

↓応援クリックお願いします。(Please click this button to vote for my blog.)

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