Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

CanとCan'tの違い 続編 (The difference between "Can" and "Can't" in the pronunciations vol.2)

2021-01-18 10:21:58 | なるほど英語(English Trivia)

How's your day going today?

Okay, today I want to share another article about learning English.

On the last article of this series, I talked about that I still had a hard time to tell the difference between "Can" and "Can't" in the pronunciations even after I'd lived in MN for 10 years.


CanとCan'tの違い (The difference between "Can" and "Can't" in the pronunciations) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


CanとCan'tの違い (The difference between "Can" and "Can't" in the pronunciations) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


On this article, I shared 2 very helpful YouTube videos to get a tip to overcome the weak point.

Today I want to share another YouTube video about the exact same topic, "The difference between 'Can' and 'Can't' pronunciations" by a different YouTuber here.


I recently found them on YouTube and already subscribed their channel. They're a team of a Japanese and English bilingual girl, Mi-chan, and her friend, Seike-kun, and casually and clearly explain many different questions about English which a lot of Japanese get through learning English.


What I'm impressed most about is Mi-chan's language level in both English and Japanese.

She’s born to Japanese parents and raised in CA. I assume (I can't tell 100% sure because I'm not a perfect English speaker.) that she speaks English as well as others who grew up and were educated in English spoken places. I can tell this 100 % sure, and her Japanese level is nothing different from the level of Japanese people in general.

You might think, "Well, if you live in the US, you'll be able to speak English at some point, right?" or "Oh, your parents are both Japanese, so you'll naturally learn Japanese too, right?", but the answer is No.

I'd say that the environment is a big influence for sure, but if you want to master a language besides your first language, I think that you need to work a lot.

Even if you're born and raised in Japan, you still have a certain education for things like reading or writing in school for years and learn a lot of Kanjis or verbal expression such as idioms as taking quiz or tests in class.

So, if you grow up and go to a local school in the US, you'll learn and master English very naturally, but your Japanese level can't like people grew up and educated in Japan just because your parents speak Japanese at home.

That is why I'm so impressed by this Mit-chan speaking both languages fluently at the same level. Not only Mit-chan, herself, but also I imagine that her parents would have worked so hard on teaching their daughter Japanese and I really respect it too.

My daughter, May-chan, is a half Japanese and half American. I'm sure that she's going to learn in school here, so she'll naturally master English, but as for Japanese, I wish she eventually could reach the level to share jokes with my family in Japan. (For the wish, I'm the one who has to work hard anyways.)

Anyways, if you're learning English or interested, their channel has more helpful videos, so please check them out!





Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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