Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

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CanとCan'tの違い (The difference between "Can" and "Can't" in the pronunciations)

2020-11-16 11:40:32 | なるほど英語(English Trivia)
Hello there!

How are you doing today?

So, I've lived in the US for 10 years and my English level is fine.

I don't have many problems to have daily conversation, but I still have a hard time to understand what people are saying in TV dramas or movies since they talk really fast. Plus that, I'm not comfortable to see doctors alone because I can't cover most of the medical terms with my brain and have to look up words in a dictionary.

So, today I want to share one of my English challenges with you here. It is very basic but something I can't master even after 10 years of my life in MN, which is the difference between Can and Can't in the pronunciations.

Of course, I can easily understand the difference between them in the meanings. Though, once those 2 words jump in real conversations, I can't tell which one you're saying at all like, "Wait a sec, did you say Can or Can't?"

I once tried to hear the sound of "t" so hard, but no matter hard I tried, my ears could never catch the sound at all.

Still, from contexts in most of the real conversations, I can assume which one you're saying, (For example, if you said, "I can't eat cilantros cuz they smell very bad!", I can easily guess like, "Oh, you said they smell very bad, so you can't eat them.") Though, there are sometimes when I can't tell it just from the contexts either.

If the topics were not something important, I let it go without knowing the answer, but when it's essential, I'd simply ask you, "Did you say Can or Can't?"

自分で話している時もちゃんと発音できていないみたいで、逆に相手に「Can? Can't?」って聞かれる事が結構あったので、もうここしばらくは「Can't」ではなく、はっきり「Can not」と省略せずに話しています。
When it comes to me saying "Can't", I can't pronounce it well either. So, I used be asked, "Did you say Can or Can't?" very often, so I've being saying "Can not" instead "Can't" since some point.

I watch a lot of YouTube videos in general and sometimes watch English lesson videos too. Lately I found these 2 videos which exactly explained about my long-time question, "How can you catch Can't in your ears?"



In both videos, they were saying, "People pretty much don't say 't most of the time." which was literally an eye-opener to me!!

In American English, people recognize the difference between Can and Can't by the intonations, not by the sound of 't.

To me, it's a big wonder how people can always catch the difference without hearing the sound of 't" but those 2 YouTube videos gave me the answer.

The first one and the second one were both very useful for sure, but especially the explanation by using the difference between these Japanese words, "Tabenayo"(You can eat it.) and "Tabennayo"(Don't eat), was super helpful.
(Certainly, we Japanese never mishear the difference between "Tabenayo" and "Tabennayo".)

It's very helpful to know the tips to recognize the difference in those opposite words, but it's another story if you can really practice it or not. Haha.

I don't think that I'll be able to catch the difference between Can and Can't from today just because I learned the tips, but I'll still keep trying. From now, I'm going to pay more attention to the intonations rather than trying to hear the sound of "t". I hope I'll master it sometime in the future.

Okay, this is all about my long-time English question. Thank you for reading again!!!

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