Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

3 The Fifth Step/採卵 (Egg Retrieval)

2024-03-13 16:37:49 | 5thステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 4)

Hello folks!




How's your day going today? 




Okay, this is about our 4th IVF for total and the 2nd IVF in MN. 




The treatment plan was pretty much same as "The Fourth Step" series, so I'll cut the details about the medications or something in this series. 




Here's the treatment plan for this cycle. 



9月26日 ピルの服用を止める(5月5日から飲んでいました。)
Sep. 26th  Stopped taking birth control pills. (I started from May 5th.)

9月30日 2つの薬を自己注射で投薬開始
Sep. 30th  Started taking 2 kinds of shots.



Menopur (English) and Gonal-f (English)

10月4日 卵胞の発育の経過を見るエコー&血液検査
Oct. 4th  Ultrasound to check follicles & Lab test


10月4日 9月30日に自己注射を始めた薬に加えて、セトロタイドCetrotide)という薬の自己注射開始
Oct. 4th  Started taking Centrotide in addition to the other 2 kinds of shots. 


10月6日 卵胞の発育の経過を見るエコー&血液検査
Oct. 6th  Ultrasound to check follicles & Lab test


10月9日 卵胞の発育の経過を見るエコー&血液検査
Oct. 9th  Ultrasound to check follicles & Lab test

10月10日 トリガー注射
Oct. 10th  Trigger shots

10月11日 トリガー注射が効いているか確認の採血

Oct. 11th  Blood Test to see if the trigger shots were working

10月12日 採卵
Oct. 12th Egg Retrieval

10月13日 受精結果判明
Oct. 13th  The result of fertilization 

10月18日 発育状況報告
Oct. 18th   The Egg report


10月29日 着床前診断結果判明

Oct.29th   The result of PGT-A



Just as the last cycle, I did self-shots every day. Besides that, I started taking 3 supplements to help my eggs grow well and healthy. 




I wrote about this on the last article of this series, but thanks to the supplements or not, my eggs were growing better than the last cycle and the egg retrieval was scheduled on OCt. 12th. 



On the egg retrieval day, Dad&Mom came down to our  house and watched May-chan as always. (Thanks!)




Same as the last egg retrieval, they're going to give me a general anesthesia for the operation, so Andy came with me. 




It was during a morning rush hour, but the traffic was not that bad as we expected probably because more people were working from home recently. 




We checked in and I changed to a medical gown. 



The process of the operation was same as the last time too. We checked some things with a nurse or anesthesiologist in the waiting room and then I walked to the operation room right across the aisle from the waiting room. 




This was 2nd time for Andy too, so he seemed to be more comfortable waiting in the room. 




After I entered the operation room, an embryologist came in the room and checked my name and BD. The anesthesiologit also came in and prepped for IV on my arm and then in a couple of minutes after he said, "I'm giving you a magical cuctail now." which was the exact same phrase he told me last time, I passed out. 



Andy said I was sleeping for only 15-20 minutes. My eyes were open in this picture, but I don't remember anything about when this was taken. 




I was pretty awake in this picture. 



When I was getting awake, I asked Andy, "Can you take a picture for my blog?" and then he said, "I already took one!" 




He also told me that I had already asked him, "Can you take a picture for my blog?", when I was half awake. The first picture of me with half-open eyes was taken at the time. LOL




Wow! I'm so impressed that I was a more passionate blogger than I had thought. 




While I was still sleeping, Andy talked to our doctor and heard "We took 5 eggs and everything went great."



After I was fully awake and made sure to be able to walk fine without any dizziness or something, I was allowed to go home. 



Okay, this is all about our 2nd egg retrieval in MN, which thankfully went great. 




Thank you for reading again!! Take care!!




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