Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

調子乗ってトレイルと公園をはしご (Park after Trail)

2021-05-30 11:58:32 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

So, the recent articles on my blog have been mostly about May-chan and I playing outdoor, but yeah, that's really pretty much all we've been doing.

Yeah, today's topic is also about another day when May-chan and I played outside.

On this day, I don't know why, but I surprisingly had some extra energy left both mentally and physically, so I first took May-chan out to the trail near our house.

May-chan always picks up branches and peels the skins, so that day wasn't an exception either.

On this trail, I let her walk as freely as she liked just as always.

At the open field on the trail, I'm comfortable to let her go anywhere she wants to as well.

At the open field, there were a plant looking like Japanese pampas grass, and May-chan always takes them and gives me saying, "Neko-jarashi! (Bristle grass/Setaria) since she knows the plant from her favorite Japanese cartoon DVDs.
(FYI, we commonly call Bristle grass/Setaria "Neko-jarashi" in Japanese which means "A Cat Toy". It makes sense, doesn't it?)

Anyways, I know that this is not Bristle grass/Setaria at least, but it's not Japanese pampas grass either, is it?

There are 3 big rocks at the open field, and May-chan and I usually sit on one of them and take a snack break there.

After we spent about 1 hour on the trail, I still had some energy left. "Okay, why don't I take May-chan to a park too?" I thought, and May-chan and I directly headed to this park nearby from the trail.

Of course, May-chan was super excited!!

She's really into swing these days and can ride on it forever.
(I don't know why, but I used to be able to ride on a swing when I was a child just as May-chan can, but I get car-sick/swing-sick now.)

The park is small, but it's usually very quiet and only kids around May-chan's age play there, so I don't have to worry if May-chan would bump into older kids or something.
(This park is always quiet anyway.)

She must have taken this after Daddy, and always loves playing with the wheel. LOL

We spent another hour at the park and then headed back home.

Even when we get back to our house from a park or somewhere, May-chan doesn't want to enter the house straight from the car. She usually plays around the house for a while before she feels like going inside the house even though we play a lot at a park beforehand.

On the week, I took May-chan to a couple of parks 3 days in a row which was more than our usual, but after playing at a park on the 3rd day, I completely ran out of my energy and passed out on the couch.
(Even though, I was half-asleep and half-awake since May-chan was wide awake. Haha)

May-chan seemed as energetic as usual for the 3 days when we did extra outdoor play, but on Monday next week, she slept in until 10am! She usually wakes up before 7am, so my extra effort on the previous week was worth it. (Yay!)

I can't do a lot of outdoor play every week like I did that week , but I'll still try do my best to take her to parks or trails as often as possible before we have the freezing MN winter again.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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