Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

おかきを作ってみた (Homemade Rice Crackers)

2021-05-02 10:15:11 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello everyone!

How are you doing today?

I'm writing this on April 29th, and I'm going to get a vaccine shot for COVID-19 tomorrow, Friday.

Andy and I are talking that we can allow ourselves to go to more places once I get fully vaccinated, but at this point I still order groceries online for curbside pick-up.

日本食品に関しては、コロナ以前ならば年に数回United Noodles(アジアンスーパー)に行って買っていたんですが、コロナのパンデミックが起こってからは、Hit-chanが買い物リストを作って、Andyっちが一人で行ってリストのものを買ってきてくれるという方法にしています。
As for Japanese food, Andy and I used to go to United Noodles a couple times a year before the pandemic, but since we started quarantined, I make a shopping list and Andy goes to the store by himself and gets things for me.
(One of the things that I want to do after I get vaccinated is that I go into the inside of United Noodles and browse things there.)

で、前置きはその辺で、先日AndyっちがUnited Noodlesに行ってきてくれたので、久しぶりにもち米を買ってきてもらいました。
Anyways, Andy took a trip to United Noodles the other day and got me Mochi rice (Sweet rice) which I hadn't got for a long time.

Why Mochi rice? Yeah, it's because I wanted to try to make Mochi with my bread maker since it has a setting for Mochi.

It was a first time for me to make Mochi using my bread maker, so I followed what the recipe book for the bread maker said.

The topping this time was soybean flour with sugar and salt which is very popular topping for Mochi in Japan.

I wanted May-chan to try a bite, so I made some small pieces for her. Though, she didn't eat them at all. She might not like the flavor of soybean flour.

Oh well, I tried them as well, of course, but they were way more chewy than I would like it be for some reason. More than the Mochi, I really enjoyed the soybean flour this time. Haha.

I remember that I have had freshly-made Mochi in my childhood and it was super soft and delicious. Compared to the sweet memory, the Mochi that I made this time would have needed more water.

Oh well, it's not a big deal.

Just as the title says, the main purpose that I made Mochi first was for trying to make homemade rice crackers from it.

I chopped the Mochi into small pieces like this and dried them for some days.


二色あられ | キッコーマン ホームページ


キッコーマン ホームページ


I found this recipe online and tried it because they looked delicious.

I put the dried Mochi pieces in a plastic bag and put a little of vegetable oil in it so that every piece got slightly coated with the oil.

They turned out to be bigger pieces like this after being cooked in the oven.

As the recipe said, I made this sauce with soy sauce and Mirin and put it on the crackers. I cooked them for another minute in the oven and then...

they're ready!

So, my honest feedback for the homemade crackers is that their roasted soy sauce flavor were pretty good, but the texture was not that good. The inside of the crackers was still very firm and too crunchy.

Still, why not? I had May-chan try some of the small pieces.

Then, she actually ate all of them that I had put in the bowl.

Though, I assume that the crackers were very hard for her too. She didn't eat them much when I gave her some on the next day. Haha.

So, this is all about how I made my first homemade rice crackers. It didn't succeed this time, but I'd definitely want to try them with a different recipe again.

Okay, thank you for reading again! Bye for now!

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