Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

最近のお庭での遊び方 (How May-chan plays in the yard recently)

2021-05-18 09:57:29 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello folks!

How's your day going?

Here in MN, we can't avoid the freezing weather in winter, and the season also makes it hard for May-chan and me to play outdoor. I personally had a hard time to burn May-chan's perennial energy.

Finally, the freezing winter is over and we can see more green in trees and blue in sky now, so May-chan and I can play outdoor for a longer time too.

It was very limited for the selection of play outdoor while snow remained on the ground in winter, but once snow's gone and the weather lets us stay outside for more hours, even our same-old back yard has looked kind of new and fresh to May-chan, which has amused her in different ways.

This is May-chan's outdoor play style. I usually put these rain pants on her so that she can jump in mud or puddle as she wants anytime.

She still loves Daddy's sandbox too.

Although, she sometimes loves the sandbox and plays there on her own for a while, but she even doesn't look at it at other times.

This day was very warm and warm enough even for me (such a freezy person) to wear a T-shirt, so I let May-chan play with water a little bit.

Even if it was very warm that day, the water coming from the hose was pretty cold since it's groundwater. (May-chan didn't mind it at all though.)

Well, May-chan recently doesn't listen to me at all. Even if I loudly tell her, "May-chan, No! No! Wait!! Stop!!" when she starts walking toward the street in front of our house by herself, she pretends not hearing me at all and keeps going. There's car traffic on the street, so I always have to rush to catch her before she reaches there.

Letting her play with water from the hose was kind of convenient for me because as far as she held the hose, she wouldn't go anywhere. So, I could stay relaxed at a certain level while she played with it.
(Plus, it's really grateful and nice for me that I didn't have to worry about water bills at all since it's well water.)

When the weather gets warmer, I can let May-chan play in a inflatable pool in the yard, which makes me thrilled too.

Besides playing with water, we usually draw on the driveway with chalks, kick a soccer ball, watch ants or walk on our usual route around the house.

Again, the weather has been much better lately, so I've started taking May-chan to parks more often, which help us to refresh more easily in the quarantined life.

Okay, I shared how we usually play in the yard here today.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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