Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

日本での体外受精 その13 (IVF in Japan vol.13)

2018-02-27 11:21:43 | 2ndステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 1)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

So, needless to say, the most important purpose of this Japan trip is IVF treatment and I wrote some updates on the last Second Step article.

1 生理開始 点鼻薬ナファレリール使用開始。その後、採卵直前まで続ける。)
1 Day1 of my period (Started using medicine called "Nafarelin acetate" and keep taking it near until the egg collection.)

2 生理3日目 2度目の診察(卵や卵巣の状態をエコーで確認。)
2 Day3 of my period/Second meeting with my doctor (He checked my ovary and eggs with ultra sound.)

3 生理3日目から10日目 (排卵誘発剤を毎日注射)
3 From Day3 to Day10 of my period (Taking fertility shots every single day)

When I was writing the last Second Step article, I was going to the clinic every single day to take a shot.

And the next day after the last shot, Andy and I had an appointment with our doctor.

He checked how my eggs had grown with ultrasound.

"There are 10 eggs in the right ovary and 2 in the left."

he also measured the size of big ones.


"Your eggs have grown pretty quick."

He said my eggs had grown well and we could take eggs out 2 days after as the original plan.

Our doctor said, even though I had 12 eggs for total,

"I don't think we can take 10 eggs though."

and said he doesn't know how many eggs he could take out until we really try it.

So at the night we had the appointment with our doctor...

I had to take a HCG shot around 9PM that night to help my ovulation happen, so I went to the clinic by myself.

The trains were super quiet and nobody else was in the car.

Then, on the day we took my eggs out...

Andy had to take his sperm on the same day, so we went to the clinic together.

They were going to give anesthetic to me, so I couldn't eat or drink since the night before.

At first, they gave me medicine to hold nausea and saliva off through IV and then we moved into the room and I chatted with the nurses a couple of mins.

Then, the female doctor came in the room and one of the nurse told me


"Okay, I'm going to start giving you the medicine to make you foggy."

In a moment I heard her saying it, I got passed out.

The next moment I opened my eyes, I way on the bed in the first room they gave me IV.

One of the nurse came to check if I was awake, so I asked her what time it was and it's 10:15am.

They started the small operation at 8:35am, so it'd passed over 1 hour already.

I got my consciousness back, but still dizzy like sea sick and didn't feel well.

The nurse said

"We've done with all the medicine for you, so you can go out of the room anytime you want."

Though, I was still dizzy and sick and decided to lie down a little bit more.

After a while, I tried to get up once and felt okay, so I went to the waiting room to see Andy.

I had to wait for the meeting with our doctor, but I still wasn't feeling well and leaned on Andy's shoulder until they called us in.

Okay, it's going to be long, so I'll stop here today. Thanks for reading!

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