Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

10フォースステップ/面倒くさい薬の受け取り方 (10 The Fourth Step/The Complicated Process about Medication)

2023-10-08 17:55:42 | 4thステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 3)

Hello folks!

How's everything goin today? 

Okay, let me talk about my IVF stuff again. 

On the previous article, I talked that I started doing self-injections of a couple of medications to help multiple follicles gtow better.

Today, let me share some of the inconvenient parts that I've been feeling through doing IVF in the US. The most stressful thing for both Andy and I is the process to get the medications from our pharmacy. 

When I was doing IVF in Japan, I just went to the clinic, saw a doctor and received my medications at the front counter when I left, which was very simple and easy. But here in the US where the medical system sucks, the process to get my IVF medications is super complicated and tiring. 
(Needless to say, it all depends on your insurance, clinic, or pharmacy. So, just take this feedback as my personal experience.) 

1 On Aug. 9th, we got the information about my medications at the clinic and double-checked that the prescription was sent to our pharmacy. 

2 On the same day, Andy made a call to the pharmacy and asked them to ship the medications to our house. 


3 On the 10th, we got the package. (They shipped enough dosage until the next appointment on the 16tth.)

4 On the 16th, we got the new medication plan for the 17th and 18th.  

After the 16th's appointment, I double-checked what I had at home at the point and found out that I had enough until the 18th, but if I'd keep taking the medication after the 18th, I'd need to place another order with the pharmacy to ship more medications to us. 

Here's the challenge. At the point of the 16th, we were not told how much or what kind of medications that I would need to take after the 19th. For the new medication plan after the 19th, they were going to give it to me on the 18th appointment. 

Even though I had enough medications until the 18th, we needed to make a contact with the pharmacy and have them ship additional medications right away if I would need to keep taking the medications after Saturday, the 19th. But, if we would wait until the 18th's appointment for the new meds plan, it's going to be too late to get the medications shipped to home by the 19th. So..., 

5 On the 17th, Andy made a call to the clinic and told them that we're going to be out of the medications on the 18th. Then, they sent another prescription to the pharmacy.


6 On the same day, the 17th, he called the pharmacy again and had them ship the medications to our house.  



7 On the 18th, we received the box. 

Like this, we felt it like walking on a tightrope. It's really tiring that we (Andy) had to make a lot of phone calls.

From our experience so far, nobody would let you know like, "You're going to run out of the medication soon, so we're going to send a new prescription to your pharmacy!!" or something. 

If you don't keep tracking your medication leftovers on your own and don't make a contact with your clinic or pharmacy from you,  you'd probably not have the medications in your hands when you need them. 

I assume that there are 2 reasons why the process to get the medications is very complicating and inefficient. 

They're very expensive medications, so the insurance company doesn't want to pay more than they really need to.                            (The overnight shipping costs seem a lot too, but they'd be probably much cheaper than paying the medications.)

The medication plan can change depending on the follicle growth. They check the follicles every 2-3 days by ultrasound.                  (It's understandable, but I imagine that things get more complicated because more people get involved in one case here in the US.) 

Since I had no problem or frustration in the process to get my medication in Japan, the inefficient system in the US by the divisional system and all the insurance rules made me extra nervous like, "What if I couldn't get enough medications on time?"

Andy's also been tired of the tiring process and the tightrope walking.  
(He says that he has to wait for a while to hold somebody from the pharmacy on the phone every time.) 

For other general prescriptions (Non-IVF medications), we usually get them at Walgreens near our house and they give us a notification like "Your prescription is ready!" or "Your RX is expiring. Do you need a refill?" which is very helpful. So, I've not experienced many problems with them so far.  

Again, I think that the process is very complicated because they're very expensive medications and we're using the insurance to cover the costs. 

Okay, this is all about the very inconvenient system in my IVF treatment here in MN. 

Thank you for reading again!! Take care!!!



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