Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

4th of July Vacation 2024, Day2 1/2

2024-08-02 10:24:41 | MN生活(15年目)(MN 2024-25)

Hi there!




How are you doing today? 




Now Paris Olympics are going on and do you guys check it? I've actually stopped watching Olympics since I moved to MN because I don't watch TV in general here. So, I've only briefly checked the results online everyday. 




You know what, as you are aging and mature, you admire the beauty in every athlete's hardworking and feel, "Oh well, I don't care whoever wins! Everybody's just awesome!!" Besides that, the older I get, the more weepy I am. So, I get weepy for anybody's medals. 





So, from today I'd like to share my family's 4 of July vacation here. 





独立記念日後のバケーション開始 (Post 4th of July Week) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


Day 1 of the vacation was shared on this article. 



On Day 2, everybody but May-chan and me went out to play golf in the morning. 




After breakfast, May-chan and I worked on homework from Japanese school. She's now in the kindergarten class and learns Hiragana. 




While we're doing the homework, "Mommy! There's baby deer!!" May-chan suddenly pointed out of the window. 




Oh yeah! There were 2 young deer enjoying breakfast in the yard. 




They're running around very energetically. How young they are! 



We finished the homework and the started playing a board game or UNO together. 



Daddy found this Disney board game at Target the other day and bought it for May-chan who's into Disney princesses lately. He'd hidden it from May-chan until this vacation. 




We opened the box and started playing it together, but May-chan quit it halfway saying she's scared of Maleficent in the game. LOL




There's a rule that you want to reach the goal before the spinner stops at the Maleficent spot 16 times. When May-chan's spinner stopped at the Maleficent spot 4 times, "I don't wanna die from the witch's magic, so I'll quit now!!" she dropped out of the game shortly after we started playing. 
(She didn't play the game, but enjoyed watching me playing.) 




After the Disney game, we played this game which she had played with Grandma the night before. 



The original way to play the game is trying to reach the goal as building the structure like Rube Goldberg machines, but it was kind of too hard for the 5-year-old, so we just enjoyed playing with the Rube Goldberg machine part repeatedly.



                                                                                     Here's the video how the structure worked. 




I got tired from playing with May-chan for a while, so "Why don't we have some screen time??" I suggested her. Then, while I was spending time in my most favorite way in vacation..., 




May-chan was also having fun with PBS kids games on her laptop. 




I had such a nice and relaxing screen time, but "Let's get this done!!" May-chan told me and ended my golden time to. Dang!




Then, May-chan said she's hungry, so we decided to eat on the patio so that we could enjoy the beautiful day at the same time. 




It was our first outdoor (still just on the patio though.) on the day. May-chan was so excited. Haha. 




The pleasant weather made me excited too. So, why not? Cheese!




We were going to have dinner at a fancy restaurant at 4:45pm in the evening, so had light lunch. 




I straightened my short legs like this and got relaxed. What a luxury time!




This is how May-chan and I spent the first half of Day 2 of the vacation. In the 2nd half, you'll see what we unexpectedly happened to go through, but even troubles eventually turn out good memories anyways. 




Stay tuned to see what happened to us in the next article. Thank you for reading again!!!




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