Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

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日本での体外受精 その16 (IVF in Japan vol.16)

2018-05-15 11:15:58 | 2ndステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 1)


How's everything going?

So, today's topic is my infertility treatment.

Here in Japan, we could take 7 eggs out in the first cycle and 4 of them perfectly had grwon up to the high quality embryos.

As for transplant, my doctor recommended to skip the first cycle since my ovaries were inflamed from producing multiple eggs at one.

In the next cycle, I made an appointment a couple of days after the first day of my period.

Andy and I had a meeting with our engineer and learned what options we could take.

According to our engineer, we could choose the way to transplant one of our embryos following my body's natural schedule or the way to control my hormons with some medications.

The biggest concern when choosing the natural way is that we will have to postpone the transplant until the next month if the best timing meets a Sunday because they're close on Sundays.

So, Andy and I chose to do the way to control my hormons with medication though it costs more.

In my case, from the Day2 of my cycle, I started putting the estrogen stickers on my belly.(What estrogen is...)


The stickers make some people itchy a lot, but it was endurable itchness to me. So, I kept using them.

In my case, I needed to use 3 stickers at once and change them with new ones every other day.

2 weeks after the first day of my period, I had an appointment with the clinic and had the doctor check if my endometrium got thick enough or not.

At that point, my endometrium was a little thinner than it would need to be, so I made another appointment 3 days after.

And on the next appointment, they said I was ready to go for the transplant in the cycle.

So, they planned to transplant one of our embryos 5 days after, so that means it's 23days after the first day of my period in the cycle.

Even though they said my endometrium was thick enough for the transplant, but I actually took a blood test on the same day and depending on the result, I still might have to skip the transplant. They said they're going to give me a call only in case when they found a problem with my result.

I didn't get a phone call from the clinic which means my blood test result was fine. Then, Andy and I finally had the transplant day on March 14th.

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