Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

ダディとお散歩 (Walk with Daddy)

2020-09-07 13:22:58 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

So, Andy's been working full time and I've been a stay-at-home mom since May-chan was born.

On weekdays, Andy works all day and I watch May-chan from the morning to the late afternoon. On weekends, Andy kindly watches May-chan in the morning so that I can sleep in as long as I like. (Big thanks!)

While I still sleep in the morning on weekend, Andy often takes May-chan out for walk in a park and sometimes takes pictures there for me too.

Andy usually takes May-chan to a park where I've never visited. What a beautiful day!

He brought this compact stroller with him.

May-chan likes animals so much recently, so Andy searched and found a park where you can see and touch some animals too.

Of course, they enjoy walking on a trail together, but the stroller is very helpful when May-chan gets tired.

It feels so good to walk in green, doesn't it?

Though, the unpaved road was a little bit hard for Daddy to walk with the compact stroller.

So, on the next day, he brought this big stroller for a walk. May-chan fell asleep in the stroller. LOL

There was an paved trail there, but...

Andy decided to walk on a hiking trail on a map.

It's very beautiful!

Though, the hiking trail gradually became very rough, and Andy once thought to make a U-turn somewhere, but he decided to keep going forward since the map said that there's not much left ahead.

Then, the road became more rough and bumpy, which forced Andy to keep pushing the stroller as hard as possible. That's why this picture was the last one he took at the time. Haha.

When he and May-chan were back home, he told to me, "Oh, what a day! The trail was super rough and I had to keep pushing the stroller with all my strength, so my arms and legs are twitching."

Physically, the walk turned out to be a tough workout for Andy, but he still looked so happy when he was talking about how terrible it was, so I was so glad to hear that they had a great Dadddy&Daughter time together.

Anyways, I really appreciate Andy for always trying hard to let me have Me time as much as possible, and the free time on weekend mornings is super important for me to be relaxed and refreshed.

Plus, I'm simply glad to know that Andy and May-chan have a fun time just with them too.

Since the pandemic occurred, May-chan and I have been together pretty much 24/7, but I want to make and give May-chan more time to spend with others when everything gets settled down, and I hope that she can enjoy more experiences that she wouldn't have when she's with me.

Okay, this is all about Daddy and May-chan's walks. Thank you for reading again!!!

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