Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

ダディお手製の・・・(Daddy's Handmade...)

2020-06-30 13:30:46 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

Today on June 30th 2020, I'm having my 10th anniversary that I moved from Japan to MN.

The last 10 years feels to have flied so quickly, but I still could make a lot of precious memories when I look back.

On this anniversary, I am reminded that I do want to cherish every single day of my life and enjoy every moment of the day too.

So, I shared how May-chan played in the yard everyday on the last article and today I want to show you a precious gift from Andy to May-chan, which Andy handmade it just for his daughter.

What he made was this.

Yup, May-chan's personal sandbox.

Andy actually had thought about the plan to make a sandbox for May-chan for a while because he got an inspiration as watching May-chan

play with ash like this every time she's outside.

Also, she always enjoyed digging a hole on a particular spot in the yard. Haha.

Andy's plan about sandbox was in limbo for a couple of months, but one day he finally got down to the project and finished making the wooden box for less than 1 hour.

The reason why Andy didn't start the project for a while after he came up with the idea was because he was looking for decent play sand.

最初、Home Depotというアメリカで有名なホームセンターで売っているものを買おうと思っていたらしいのですが、ネットでレビューを見ていたら、「大きな石がゴロゴロ入ってた!」というコメントがいくつかあって、「うーん。どうしようかなぁ。」と決めかねていました。
Andy first looked at Home Depot website and found one, but some reviews about the product said, "We found bunch of rocks in the bag!" So, he wasn't sure if he really would want to buy it.

その後、他のお店に問い合わせたりしたんですが、結局値段がすごく高かったり、手軽な値段でも最低購入量がすごく多かったりして、結局のところ、パパママが我が家に来てくれるという日に、最初に見ていたHome Depotで砂を買ってきてくれるようにお願いしました。
After that, Andy also checked with a couple of other shops, but the price was too expensive at one place or you needed to buy tons at once at the other place. So, after all, he asked Dad&Mom to get some bags at Home Depot when they came over our house.

Andy put the sand that Dad&Mom picked up in his homemade wooden box, and then May-chan's personaly sandbox was ready to go!

May-chan is actually very grumpy after a nap but she was extra crabby on the opening day of the special sandbox.

So, Andy took her out to the yard to calm her down and introduced the special sandbox to her when she's feeling better.

She really liked to get a place where she could play with sand as long as she wanted.

で、結果的に購入するのを迷っていたHome Depotの砂ですが、特に石がゴロゴロ入っている訳ではなく、十分砂場に適したサラサラの砂でした。
As for the sand that we ended up getting at Home Depot, I didn't see any big rocks or something, and it was pretty good to let my child play with.

"Because the wild animals would use this as their potty..." said Andy, and he also made a cover for the sandbox so that May-chan can always play with clean sand.

Since the 1st day, May-chan always plays in the sandbox when we play outside.

Again, I think it's super lucky for May-chan to have her personal sandbox.

In my childhood, there was a park only 30 second walk away from my apartment.

I didn't have a moment to think about it back then, but now I know how lucky I was to have such a nice environment as a child.

You're so lucky, May-chan!

Okay, this is all about Andy's handmade sandbox for May-chan.

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