Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

最近の動くめい (Recent Animated May-chan)

2020-06-12 12:10:40 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hi everyone!

How's your day going today?

So, our loving daughter, May-chan, turned 18 months and she's much more active and energetic lately. Besides the physical development, she's been able to understand more of what we say too.

Today I want to share some videos so that you can enjoy watching animated May-chan.

I might have mentioned this here before, but May-chan loves to feel thrilled, which is probably from her daddy, and she wants to do dangerous moves on a daily basis.

5/9/2020 Thrilling jumps(スリルジャンプ)

In the movie above, she's playing on the rocking chair by jumping from and to it.

Andy and I purchased the rocking chair before May-chan was born since Andy wanted to use it to rock May-chan to sleep, but the chair has been a great toy for her to be entertained. Haha

In the next video, I shot a moment of our ordinary life, which was the scene that May-chan helped me put clean dishes away from the dishwasher.

5/13/2020 Help mommy to put the dishes away(食器の片付けのお手伝い)

Until a couple of months ago, all she wanted to do with the dishwasher was climbing up on the door to crawl in it every time I opened the door. Now, she can listen to me well and picks up the utensils one by one from the basket and hands them to me. It's actually very helpful.

In the video, she tried to lick the clean spoon, but she already learned not to do it shortly after the video.

In the next video, I just shot some moments of our usual walk in front of our house.

5/14/2020 Enjoy a walk with mommy(マミーとお散歩)

On a walk one day, I noticed that she surely recognizes our house and yard since she entered our yard from the street by herself when we reached there.

She still wants to walk in the middle of the street, but she loves waving her hands to cars or neighbors passing by saying "Bye-bye!" and also gets so excited when she sees dogs saying, "Wan-wan! (bow-wow in Japanese)".

In the last video, I shot the moment when she climbed up her high chair on her own.

5/26/2020 She can climb up on the high chair by herself(一人でハイチェアにも登れます。)

Until some time ago, it still seemed dangerous when she tried to climb up on it by herself and I always told her, "Hold one a second!!' and assisted her. Now, she can do it without any help and I can see it without being nervous, so I usually let her do it lately.

It was also very scary to watch her trying to get down from the chair first, but she's now mastered it too.

One more thing that made me feel that May-chan had grown up more a couple of days ago was that she said, "Aww!" when she found a cute design on her new shirt.

She never seemed to be interested in designs on her shirts before, but now she says "Wow..!" or gently rubs the design with her hand.

She does that when she sees designs like flowers or heart, and I'm very happy to get to know her favorite designs like, "Oh, you like these cute ones, I see."

Like I just talked, May-chan has been surely growing up both in a mental and physical way. I'm not the person who originally has much energy and can barely keep up with her everyday, so I do want to stay healthy and keep smiling so that May-chan can grow up healthy and enjoy her life!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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