Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

げ、もしかしてイヤイヤ期始まった??(Oh my, has terrible 2 already begun??)

2020-06-22 12:31:14 | めいちゃん (May-chan)

How's your life treating you?

My family still continues the quarantined life, so we don't have any events or something, but a very calm and peaceful life.

Today I want to share about my loving daughter, May-chan, here again, and it seems that she started her "Terrible twos" period.

英語でも「魔の2歳(Terrible twos)」という言葉があるので全世界共通の成長過程だと思うのですが、最初Andyっちと「めいはまだ1歳半だねぇ。早くない?」と話していました。
Also in Japanese, we have a certain word for the period of growth, "Iya-Iya-ki (No-No-period)", and I believe that all the kids in the world would go through the certain process. Though, Andy and I wondered, "May-chan is still 1.5 year old. Isn't it early??"

So, I googled about it and then found out that "Terrible twos" period could start from 1 year old and it'd reach the peak at the age of 2 or 3. They even created a word, "Evil threes" besides "Terrible twos".

Speaking of my daughter, she frequently says "No, no!!" or "Iya!(No in Japanese)". It makes me happy to see her saying "No" in 2 different languages, which gives me a hope to make her bilingual, but she makes me unnecessarily more tired by interrupting things that I want to do.


タイムアウト始めました。 (We started time-out rules) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


タイムアウト始めました。 (We started time-out rules) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I've continued the time-out rules, and May-chan gets a couple of time-outs everyday for sure. Haha.

She also loses her temper a couple of times a day too.

She can't vocally express her feelings well yet and loses her temper when things don't go as she likes, but she sometimes intentionally does something to make me upset and thinks it's funny.

To be honest with you, it's often easier for me to let her to do whatever she wants to do when she loses her temper and cries so hard, but I believe that consistency is one of the most important keys to discipline a child. I sometimes have to play a waiting game with her stubbornness and hang in here.

It's easy when it comes to a simple matter like not giving her a snack that she wants to eat, but one day I gave her a time-out when she dropped her meal plate on the floor twice just because it was not what she wanted to eat.

Even when the time-out was over, she still cried hard. So, I gave her some white rice and edamame to put her back in a good mood.

If I want to stick to consistency, it's right for me to say, "Okay, then you don't have to eat." and not give her any substitute food. Though, in today's case, I ended up choosing an option to give her something else since she was still hungry and didn't stop crying. Plus, what she wanted to eat was white rice and edamame which was relatively healthy too.

After this incident today, I think it would help to ask her, "Do you wanna eat this or this?" beforehand.

I actually showed May-chan white rice and edamame and asked, "Do you wanna eat this? first and then she said, "Yeah' and really ate them.

May-chan's able to tell me "Yes" or "No" at this point, so I'd like to ask her what you want to do first and try to reduce the number of times to lose her temper.

Of course, I don't want to let her do things against our rules even if she wants to do, so when we face the situation, we have to play a waiting game anyways. Haha.

Even if May-chan's in "Terrible twos" period, it's still just the beginning. So, I hope that I'll set up some certain rules applying to some different situations with Andy and get prepared for the peak of "Terrible twos" and also "Evil threes" coming up.

Of course, this little one gives me hugs and kisses, which is purely cute.

Okay this is all for today! Thank you for reading again!!!

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