Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めいちゃんの初日本vol.8 (May-chan's 1st Japan Trip 8)

2020-01-28 13:38:51 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hi there!

How's your life treating today?

This morning, I had a dentist appointment and brought May-chan with me there, but it was kind of tiring becuase she cried so hard while I had a cleaning there.

May-chan has already had some teeth and needs a regular care at the dentist as well, so they and I are thinking to have her at the clnic every 6months and make her gradually get used to the environment. Though, I think that I should get her and my appointments at separate times next.

Okay, this is vol.8 of May-chan's 1st Japan trip.

On September 19th, May-chan and I visited my best friend, Aki.

I've mentioned this here a couple of times before, but Aki's my best friend in Japan and one of the only 3 guests who kindly came to our wedding all the way from Japan.
(The other 2 guests from Japan were my mom and sister, Skatch, so Aki's the only non-family guest who crossed the Pacific ocean just for my wedding. Yeah, she's very special to me.)

Aki and I met when we both were hired for a same job in a same year and enjoyed our single lives together to travel to Universal Studio in Osaka or Hokkaido. Of course, we hung out very often at the time too. So, every time I get a chance to go to Japan, I see her.

From my parents' house and Aki's house, I need to take a bus and a train to the closest train station to her house. And then, Aki usually came to pick me up at the station, but it became more work to do with her 2nd girl, Nana-chan, and my May-chan since we needed another child seat to carry 2 babies at the same time. So, I decided to take a taxi from the train station this time.

On the train. I brought the stroller with me at the time, but it ended up not needing it since May-chan and I could get a seat both on the bus and the train and didn't need to walk around almost at all either.

We're here! There's this comfy mattress in the living room, so May-chan really enjoyed crawling around on it.

It was actually the first time for me to meet Nana-chan. So cute!! May-chan and Nana-chan are exactly 5months apart, so she was around 4months old at the point.

She's 5months younger than May-chan but used the same size diaper as May-chan's, so Aki kindly told me, "You can use Nana-chan's diaper for May-chan so that you don't have to carry lots of stuff with you!" (Thanks!)

Long time no see! I think that it'd been about 1 year and a half since the last time we saw each other in person.

We sometimes get in touch to keep each other updated, and I heard that she had to deal with multiple issues and chores at once when she's pregnant with Nana-chan. So, I was very relieved that she seemed doing well in person and heard that most of the things were settled down then.

We're planning to have lunch together, but I said to Aki, "We can do some delivery or something easy! Or I even grab something on the way." Though, she kindly cooked for us.

As a Japanese, this combo meal, rice, dishes and miso soup, was very nice. (Thanks for cooking for me! It was delicious!)

Again, I met Nana-chan in person for the first time on the day, but she's such a calm, happy and adorable baby.

She didn't cry at all even when I held her, and her cute smile melted my heart.

Needless to say, she still needs lots of nap time. Her sleeping position and face are cute too.

This little person still needs some nap time too. She seemed so comfy to sleep even at somebody else's house too. Haha

After both girls woke up from the nap times, Aki's older daughter, Sat-chan was coming from her kinder soon, so we walked to the point to pick her up.

Aki tole me, "Sat-chan was really looking forward to seeing you guys!!" and it was so true! She was such a sweet big sister and played with May-chan so well.

Every time I see Sat-chan, I'm very impressed by her growth. When I saw her on the last trip, she was very shy and didn't talk to me a lot, but I was super happpy that she was so chatty and shared a lot of stories with me this time.

We tried to take a picture of all of us, but it's kind of hard to capture the moment when everybody looked at the camera with the 3 little ones.

Though, I think this one turned out to be pretty good. Yeah, Nana-chan's looking somewhere else.

May-chan and I stayed with them untill 4pm or so and promised to them, "We'll come and visit as many times as possible while we're here!!" and left their house.

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading again!!!

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