
熊本県八代市坂本町にある JR肥薩線「さかもと駅」2015年5月の写真です。

Kate Prank Call Nurse 'Commits Suicide'

2012年12月09日 | ☆SHERLOCK祭



Sky NewsSky News 日本時間12月8日午前の記事

A nurse duped by a prank phone call at the hospital treating the pregnant Duchess of Cambridge has died in a suspected suicide.



Jacintha Saldanha, 46, who has worked at the hospital for four years, was found dead at an address near King Edward VII's hospital in London on Friday morning.

The hospital confirmed she had been the victim of a hoax call in which two Australian DJs, pretending to be the Queen and Prince of Wales, phoned up about Kate.

その病院に4年勤務していた、Jacintha Saldanhaさん(46)は、金曜朝、ロンドンのエドワード7世病院に近い場所で死んでいるのが発見された。



Ms Saldanha, a mother of two, received the call and put it through to the ward where another nurse updated the pair on the Duchess, who was being treated for severe morning sickness.

二人の子を持つ、Ms Saldanhaは、電話を受け、病棟につないだ。そこで別の看護師が深刻なつわりで治療を受けていた公妃について最新情報を伝えた。

the pair:??なぜPAIRというのでしょう?

Sky News crime correspondent Martin Brunt said the nurse was from Bristol and has a son and a daughter. "The hospital had not suspended Ms Saldanha, nor disciplined her," he added.

スカイニュースの犯罪通信担当Martin Bruntによると、その看護師はブリストルの出身で、息子と娘がいるという。病院はMs Saldanhaを停職にしたり、懲戒したりはしていなかった。ともつけ加えた。


Her family said in a statement: "We as a family are deeply saddened by the loss of our beloved Jacintha."


The owners of the radio station say the two DJs behind the call are "deeply shocked" by the tragedy. They have been dropped from their show until further notice amid a major backlash.


until further notice:当分の間、追って通知のあるまで

Kate, who is understood to be well under 12 weeks pregnant, was admitted to the hospital on Monday after falling ill over the weekend and released again on Thursday.


The Duchess and her husband, William, the Duke of Cambridge, said in a statement that they were "deeply saddened" by the nurse's death.

"Their Royal Highnesses were looked after so wonderfully well at all times by everybody at King Edward VII Hospital, and their thoughts and prayers are with Jacintha Saldanha's family, friends and colleagues at this very sad time," they said.


「妃殿下は、エドワード7世病院において、全ての時間、全てのスタッフから非常にすばらしい看護をうけました、そして彼らの思いと祈りは、この非常な悲しみの中にいるJacintha Saldanhaの家族、友人、そして同僚たちとともにあります」

A St James's Palace spokesman added: "At no point did the Palace complain to the hospital about the incident. On the contrary, we offered our full and heartfelt support to the nurses involved and hospital staff at all times."


On the contrary:それどころか

The King Edward VII Hospital said: "It is with very deep sadness that we confirm the tragic death of a member of our nursing staff, Jacintha Saldanha.

"Jacintha has worked at the King Edward VII's Hospital for more than four years. She was an excellent nurse and well-respected and popular with all of her colleagues.

"We can confirm that Jacintha was recently the victim of a hoax call to the hospital. The hospital had been supporting her throughout this difficult time."

エドワード7世病院「我々の看護スタッフの一員のJacintha Saldanhaの悲劇的な死を確認することは、非常に深い悲しみを伴います」



Hospital chief executive John Lofthouse said: "Our thoughts and deepest sympathies at this time are with her family and friends. Everyone is shocked by the loss of a much-loved and valued colleague."

病院の重役John Lofthouse「今このときにあたり我々の思いと深い同情は、彼女の家族と友人とともにあります。大好きで大切な同僚を失って、みなショックを受けています」

Lord Glenarthur, the hospital's chairman, said: "This is a tragic event. Jacintha was a first class nurse who cared diligently for hundreds of patients during her time with us. She will be greatly missed."




Police were called to the address at 9.35am on Friday after a report about a woman found unconscious. Paramedics rushed to the property but she was pronounced dead at the scene.


pronounced :はっきりした、明白な

A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "Inquiries are continuing to establish the circumstances of the incident. The death is not being treated as suspicious at this stage."



Michael Christian and Mel Greig, DJs on the 2DayFM radio station, broadcast their call to the hospital on Wednesday morning.

2DayFM というラジオ局のDJである、Michael ChristianとMel Greigは、水曜朝に病院へかけた彼らの電話を放送した。

Greig, impersonating the Queen, asked to speak to her "granddaughter Catherine" and managed to persuade Ms Saldanha to put her through to the ward where Kate was being treated.

Greigは女王に成りすまして、彼女の「孫娘のキャサリン」と話がしたいと頼み、Ms Saldanhaにケイトが治療を受けている病棟へつないでくれるように説得した



The security breach was deeply embarrassing for the hospital, which is the medical institution of choice for the Royal Family.



The DJs apologised for the prank after an initial furore but later took to Twitter to brag of their success - calling it the "easiest prank call ever made".



Following Ms Saldanha's death, the radio station's owners said: "Southern Cross Austereo and 2Day FM are deeply saddened by the tragic news of the death of nurse Jacintha Saldanha from King Edward VII's Hospital and we extend our deepest sympathies to her family and all that have been affected by this situation around the world.

Ms Saldanhaの死を受けて、ラジオ局のオーナーは言った「Southern Cross Austereoと2Day FMは、エドワード7世病院のJacintha Saldanha看護師の死と言う悲劇的なニュースに深く悲しんでいます。そして彼女の家族と、この状況に影響を受けている世界中の人々に、に心からのお悔やみを申し上げます」


"Chief Executive Officer Rhys Holleran has spoken with the presenters, they are both deeply shocked and at this time we have agreed that they not comment about the circumstances.

CEOのRhys Holleranは司会者らとともに「彼らは、二人とも深いショックを受けていて、今現在は、その状況についてコメントできないということに同意しています」

"SCA and the hosts have decided that they will not return to their radio show until further notice out of respect for what can only be described as a tragedy."

SCA(Southern Cross Austereo)と司会者らは、その悲劇としか形容しようのないことについて敬意を表するため、当分の間、彼らのラジオ番組に戻らないことを決定しました。

out of respect for:に敬意を表して

この上の2文のthe presenters と the hosts の指すものがちょっとわかりにくいですね。問題のDJたちのことだとは思うのですが。

英語の習慣なのかもしれませんが、同一人物を指すのに、呼称がどんどん変わっていくのは学習者は混乱しますね。ケイトさんのことも、KATEとしたり、the pregnant Duchess of Cambridge、the Duchess、Their Royal Highnesses、granddaughter Catherine、などいろいろ変わっている・・・仕方ないけど。




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