Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

2 The Fifth Step/サプリメントとその効果 (Supplements and the effects)

2024-03-12 09:55:34 | 5thステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 4)

Hi everybody!




How's your life treating you today? 




Okay, this is about our 4th IVF treatment record, The Fifth Step series. 




On September 8th, 2023, Andy and I found out that the only egg was abnormal and not recommended for a transfer. 




Then, the next appointment for a phone meeting with our doctor after the result was made on September 27th, 2023. 




Since we wanted to get the next treatment done by the end of 2023 due to our insurance, we made a contact with the clinic and had them make the next plan for us. 




Here's the schedule they made for us. 



9月26日 ピルの服用を止める(採卵後最初の生理開始3日目から飲むように言われていました。)
Sep. 26th  Stopped taking birth control pills. (I was told to start taking them from Day3 of my first period after the last egg retrieval.)


9月27日 看護師さんと治療プランについて面談
Sep. 27th App with my nurse about the treatment plan


9月30日 2つの薬を自己注射で投薬開始
Sep. 30th  Started taking 2 kinds of shots.



Menopur (English) and Gonal-f (English)

10月13日 採卵予定日
Oct. 13th  Egg Retrieval



I don't write much about the details of the medications that I took in the cycle since the dosage or kinds was same as the last cycle. Besides the medications prescribed by the doctor, I decided to take some supplements because I was getting old and wanted to do everything I could anyways. 




I had taken these supplements in the past treatments too, which were...



Vitamin D


Prenatal vitamins. 



So, for the most recent treatment, I added 3 more supplements to the 2 kinds, which were





Melatonin 3mg





I think that it would take some time to get the effects after you start taking them, but I actually started taking those supplements in the last minute before the new cycle started, so I'm honestly not sure how much those supplements were helpful or effective. 




Still, I just wanted to make myself feel, "I did everything I could do!", so I was expecting more like a mental benefit from taking them. 




FYI, I purchased all the supplements above on Amazon, Target or Walgreens, which was pretty easy. 




Thankfully I didn't get any bad side effects from those supplemtns, but as for DHEA, it's a kind of male hormons and could cause rough skin. I personally got some pimples after I started taking DHEA. 




Were they any good after all?? I'm personally happy that I took them.  




The reason why I feel so was that my eggs seemed be better in this cycle more overall than the last cycle. 




In the last cycle, they only could see 2 eggs and the biggest one was 9.5mm on the 1st check. 




Compared to that, they could see more than 2 eggs and the biggest one was 13.5mm on the 1st check in this cycle. 




Although, they're supposed to schedule an egg retrieval date depending on the size of the biggest egg, so they did the egge retrieval this time before the biggest one got ovulated and othere eggs became mature enough,  so the total number of eggs retrieved from me ended up being same as the last cycle. 




By taking those supplements, the total number of retrieved eggs from me didn't change, but even though I wasn't doctor, I could tell that the eggs on the ultrasound images looked much better (size and number-wise) and the only difference between this cycle and the last cycle was the supplements. So, I believe that they were helpful for sure. 




Okay, this is all for today. The story of our 2nd IVF in MN will be still continued. 




Thank you for reading again!! Bye for now!!




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