Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

3/4 春休みバケーション (Spring Break Vacation vol.3 of 4)

2024-03-31 10:36:18 | MN生活(14年目)(MN2023-24)

Hi folks!




How's your life treating you? 




Okay, this is about my family's spring vacation again. 




On Day 3, Saturday. 




In the morning, Andy had an appointment for playing a golf simulation with Dad, so he left the hotel room around 9am or so. 




Me? Yeah, the entire morning was free and no plan, so I had such a laxuary morning by sleeping in as late as I liked and waking up whenever I felt like to. LOL




Andy's back to the hotel room around noon and then we went out to grab late lunch together. 




It was another nice day and nice enough to make Andy say, "If there wasn't frost on the ground, I'd have definitely played real golf." 




色々とレストランの候補をホテルで考えた結果、結局よく来るThe Wharfに。
Andy and I looked up restaurants around but ended up going to this familiar one, The Wharf.



Same as the hotel we were staying at, the entire town was very quiet during our vacation and this restaurant wasn't an exception either. 



They renewed the menu a little bit. 



Thanks again!





The main reason why we chose this restaurant was this lobster bisque. It was another chilly day, so we were kind of craving for hot soup. We shared a bowl. 




Andy wanted to have some salad, so we shared this Caesar salad too. (We tend to be lack of veggies during vacation in general.) 




Andy got this burger. 




I got fish&chips. 



In all honesty, I was already 85% full at the point when I finished the half of the lobster bisque and salad. Haha.




So, I took most of the fish&chips and some salad to the hotel room and enjoyed it as dinner that night. 




I don't think that we have pulltabs in Japan, but it's really popular and common here in the US, isn't it? We got $20 of 2 kinds and played them just mostly for fun and a little bit for a hope. Yup, we didn't win any of them. Haha. It was still fun though. 




Before May-chan was born, Andy and I had more time, chances and energy to talk about many things. So, it was nice that we could have some quiet time to share our random thoughts again.  




On the way back from the restraurant, I took the steering wheel. It's not so often happening this, so I asked Andy to take some pics of me driving. 
(I also drove back to the hotel from the restaurant the night before. I sometimes drive even with Andy when he drinks at a restaurant or party.) 




It was my 3rd time driving Andy's new car, so I wasn't still fitting the feeling of the car. 
(This has nothing to do with the car, but when I looked at myself close in the picture above, I noticed more wrinkles around my eyes and felt, "I'm surely aging well!" LOL) 




Andy's pretty much always a driver with me, so "It's nice to be able to see more seanery in the window when I sit in the passanger seat!" he said. Haha. 




Okay, let me end this here for today. 




Thank you for reading again!!!




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